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Everything posted by SkyReaper

  1. Well at the moment me and my friend are working on a sprite comic of Megaman X4's story. If you've ever played it then you'd know that X and Zero's stories are seperated but we are combineding them together and I would like to animate it. We would even voice act, post on youtube and all that. But unfortunately my friend (who is making the comic; I'm just writing the script ) doesn't know how to make Gifs
  2. Well here is what we have so far. You have five character cards that are on the field the whole match. The object is to defeat the opposing team obliviously. There are equipment cards that equip to the character cards then there are item cards and magic cards that should be obvious of there functions. Also there are support cards such as enemy cards that have the same effects in KHCoM and there are summon cards that have certain effects similar to enemy cards. Each character can attack once per turn (<<I think) your so right! Like the different Sora's and such. KH1=Lv1 KH2=Lv2 KHDDD=Lv3
  3. funny .......... I was talking about a Gif not a Gift
  4. I am looking for someone who can make Gifs. And it can't be anyone! This person needs to be able to make Gifs from 16 Bit Sprites. And must be a Megaman X fan
  5. Its not! She's hungry obviously
  6. o.o WTF! You guys are just wrong! Can't a girl eat a hotdog with mayo and not get judged? As it flops everywhere, squirting people in the eye, going in out of her mouth while she enjoys it and sucks the mayo off and swallows. There is NOTHING sexual about any of that!
  7. LMFAO!!!!!!!! I saw this and just started laughing. I can see it now -*Plays tutorial...........Wins* "What the hell?"- That what he should have done instead of posting this hateful thread Genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the last one! o.0
  8. I agree Ven does rock! I'm SkyReaper! Just call me Sky. I love kingdom hearts and megaman X so if you wanna talk about stuff just chat. I'm freindly around here,
  9. First off they need sequels first Aladdin 3 Mulan 2 Pirates of the carabean 2 Lion king 2 Little mermaid 2
  10. 37 this is the highest i've seen this
  11. eleven, lets use this time quickly before weedanort gets on
  12. I think it'd be better if it was FFVII
  13. Megaman... (Original, X, Zero, EXE, Legends) Final Fantasy God of War Dynasty Warriors 'Tales of' Games Star Ocean Assassin's Cread Call of Duty Spyro Super Smash Bros Mario Zelda Pokemon Fire Emblem Donkey Kong Kirby Pac Man Star Wars Megaman X!!! and Kingdom Hearts!!!
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