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Everything posted by SkyReaper

  1. http://www.enixorigin.com/final-fantasy-7-remake-for-ps4/ What do you guys think the "big" game is?
  2. but 1, the rules are after mods we restart
  3. two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Sephiroth as a nort? no but i do wanna see the sephiroth/cloud story some more. Maybe they're still fighting and then awesome new more bad ass sora FINAL beats Sephiroth!
  5. In a lesbian relationship, who makes the sandwiches?
  6. Donald! Why are you drinking my potion when I'm dying! (At least, that's what I could understand.) Go phuk urself mofo or we'll go! *Pops knuckles* (lol)
  7. So any want to here some jokes? Qoute this and i'll quote you a joke!
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