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  1. hey how are u and really cute Avatar i love it its adorable :)

    1. Nevermore


      Im doing good. Its been a long time since I've been on, thanks.


    2. sora x kairi

      sora x kairi

      :) good to hear your good and also its kk
  2. I love your wlkthroughs :D especially your new walkthrough of Kingdom Hearts X {chi}

  3. Hey, thank you for the add :D

  4. Finally got KH 1.5 remix :D

    1. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      I commend you *salutes*

  5. Long time no see everyone :)

  6. Took a while but i finally did. :D I finally made some sea-salt ice cream.

    1. WakingDawn96


      How does it taste? Salty, no sweet

    2. Nevermore
  7. Ahhhhhh! its raining here again T_T

    1. Ceriraye


      Rain rain always stay. Don't you go away~

    2. SoRox


      Ahhhhh its burning in here El Nino

  8. alright got my donuts baked chocolate filled and ready for todays after school party. Hope they like it. :D

    1. Jessica


      They sound delicious ^.^

    2. DaxtotheMax
  9. its almost 5 in the morning and i can't sleep :(

    1. Sora96


      That always sucks.

    2. Nevermore


      I know now that I'm back from school I'm going to sleep

  10. Finally bought myself a PSP, only problem is that when I enter the arena my connection gets lost. I don't know what else I'm missing I have internet, and signed in my PSN account. If you guys know what else I'm missing then please tell me so I can play multiplayer with everybody. I don't want to battle alone :(

    1. Silent


      There is no online play. You can only play with people who are right next to you who have the game and a psp.

  11. To me I think its hard to try and make the ultima wepon. I cant see to find all the oriculum +'s or the the frost gems/ crystals. If anyone knows where to find them it'd be so helpful to me.

    1. TheKingdomkid


      Frost Crystals are from the living bones that you can only fight in the Pride Lands and Frost gems are from those fortunetellers heartless.

    2. Nevermore
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