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Everything posted by Dousa

  1. Hiya, I am still alive! How have you been? Already watched the new KH UX trailer? :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dousa


      Fine as well. I made it to chapter 8 in my KH story! :O Took me over a month to finish to write the first world.

    3. Dousa


      I guess if that is released in april, we will able to play from september on? Dunno. Maybe we will get it faster than we think

    4. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      That's pretty awesome! I'm glad you're doing okay, and I'm glad that work on your story is progressing! How does it feel to come up with a story, eh? I bet it must feel rewarding, cuz trust me, I know the feeling! :D


      And well, my guess is that while we'll get the update on April, we'll still be behind on the story, but we'll eventually keep catching up!

  2. I should continue watching Gintama. These openings are just too gooood!

  3. Hiya! I would leave another comment, of course... and here it is! You did pretty damn well with Iustus. Fun fact: The name comes from Justus, one based on "justice" So would a scale-themed Keyblade be fitting his character, doesn't it? As I told you before, I love how you designed his trousers/shorts(whatever you call a pair of these in English) and his Keyblade. Looks even better with that edges being connected, it will now stay like you did it. Totally an inspiration for me, thank you very much! (Again! )
  4. Is there any cool character creator out there to visualize characters while I design these?

  5. I never thought of using Sora/Riku as templates, though! Or even the Avatar Boards in Chi. Well, I tend to design some unusual bit crazy stuff. Just finished the prologue yesterday... To publish here I need to translate into English hahaha... Buuuut.. I'd like to request my character, yep. Master Iustus. This is a newer drawing of him. I never had drawn legs of him before, so maybe you could come up with fitting clothes and shoes? And the Keyblade... You don't have to draw that. It is still a prototype and yeah. I am unsure if he uses that one. Thank you veeeery much! May the heart be your guiding key!
  6. ''It´s no magic if it isn't flashy''... Marisa... you are best!

  7. Bump dee dump... posting a few new drawings! Picture of myself. Well, I know this was made by me in the night before my theoretical exams. Had about 3 hours of sleep, but had a satisfying drawing hahaha. And yep, it is indeed a T-shirt of The Flash! Not exactly a drawing, but a work of art I made few years ago. A wayfinder made out paper! A newer drawing of Master Iustus. I totally suck at poses, so ignore his strange floating-sitting whatever pose. I just wanted to draw his trousers Dx Reference to the Keyblade of Iustus. It is egyptian-themed because I think it fits perfect to the whole light-darkness thing. Live an honorable life and you will be blessed at the judgement of the dead in the egyptian mythology. The upper right one is the very first version of his blade. I shall call it ''Justice'' or like the godess of justice ''Justicia''. Not decided yet. May I introduce one of my oldest characters, Uri! Can't believe this drawing is from 2012 ago, almost 5 years now! He is one of the main characters in my planned story, but first he will join my keyblade wielders like another figure of mine... Another character, but from 2010. Uri was already created around that time but looked veeery different. This is my namesake, Dousa Katsumi. Heir to the noble House of Katsumi. He used to have a sister, but I cannot draw females.
  8. Heya. Just stalk- uh read your profile. I like your taste in Anime. Watched a few years ago, but the last was K-ON... uh. I was forced to watch... anyway. About KH, I got my copy of 2.8 four days before release! Now I am bugged that I have already cleared 0.2 and Back Cover! It was so great. And hype for KH3 is still there... and about my request...well. I have to look first ;)

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Dousa


      Well, my notification thing didn't showed me your status. Maaaaaaan, that sucks :O


    3. Dousa


      A bit, I guess. Can even read some characters and Kanji, but most of them are too hard to remember correctly xD I was busy working these days, I shall take a look tonight!

    4. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Haha, it's okay, no worries! :)


      Oh wow, to even be able to read characters in Kanji is pretty impressive! Kudos to you for managing that! :D

  9. You thought I would be the Master of Masters... but it was me, Dioooooo!
  10. Wow. I looked at your drawings on the first side of your thread and I have to say: You do improved. Especially how you did the KHx Avatars, like that chibi style and then your more human-manga style! Do you have some tips or tricks how to draw Keyblade wielders? I am currently writing a fanstory and want to visualize my characters. Or do you just try and look how it works? Maybe I could get some feedback (my thread is still in progress... Haha) or would you mayyyyybeee draw a character of mine? I would draw then something for you of course then!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dousa


      How is it going? I wasn't online for ages, hahaha. KH has way more forums in English than in my language :/

    3. KHUndertaleFan25
    4. Dousa


      Hiya. How's it going? Currently at work... But I rather would like to continue writing my KH FF :-O

  12. Hey guys! I decided to share my work with you. To cut things short, I like to draw... but it happens only once in a few months. So I don't have much material of drawings right now. But the ''good'' thing is that I failed my exam on monday So I have now enough time to draw, write or work on KH related stuff For the beginning... have a look at my wooden Starlight Keyblade! I made this on a whim last summer. Took a big plate of wood and painted a Keyblade on it. So it isn't real balanced, the grip for example. But for my first time working with that kind of stuff I did real good. You can watch the progress on the pictures below. (Nevermind the trainstation plan in the background... haha) You can even see the transitions for sticking together, I used wood mastic(or how its called) to hide them. It is quite heavy, around 2,5kg/5.51lbs - I can lift it with one hand... but swinging around takes both. This is one of my characters from my planned KH Story ''Point -255''. He is called Master Iustus and uses light and darkness as well. Like a scale, he thinks it must be in balance to exist - There is no ''pure'' evil. It depends on the person who does it. Currently under revise, got some new ideas for him. If someone could help me to translate it into English? I would appreciate that! Another picture of Iustus. I tried a more realistic style like from JoJo's bizarre Adventure. But it always merges with such a comical structure... and I am never satisfied with that. What I like is his outfit changing more and more. The first sketch of him was a catastrophe! But still funny how he evolved. Never meant to play a bigger role in my story, so is he now quite important against the villain (a dark version of my KHx Avatar but not just copy/paste) Feedback and stuff welcome!
  13. Heya guys, I decided to play the japanese KHx and recently looking for a party. I am at Quest ~45 but was in the US at Quest 525. Since there are such shitty conditions in the US game, I want to get better medals at the JP version. My ID is 303019. How do I accept requests then? I cannot read Japanese
  14. Well there is a progress in my KH Fanstory but.... if I am going to post it here, then I better translate into English....

  15. Oh, damn... here again after a long time. I feel old hahaha

    1. WakingDawn96


      Who are you? Who am I? Who are we?

    2. Dousa


      I registred here about three years ago... my english improved I guess.

    3. WakingDawn96


      But then who am I?

  16. Hey there, I am currently recruiting players for my party "Dark Light" to farm more Lux and get better rewards. You don't need to have special requirements to join. Just log in daily and help when Raid-Bosses are in town! We invite other players day for day, but they won't join us... maybe I can find some cool people here :-)
  17. Terra-Xehanort. Because Terra defeated two Keyblade Masters and because he losed to the darkness. How about the Nobody symbol upside down? Name would be Dousa, of course.
  18. What that guy does with food... he should feel the same way, being so smashed and wasted >_>
  19. Such a goody two-shoes...

  20. *just woke up* Am I still dreaming? Kingdom Hearts 3!? HOLY SH-- THREE!?!? But... it's okay, that they will release it on the PS4. But does the PS4 do play PS3 games or just the new PS4 ones? Well, if they DO it, then it would be better to buy just a PS4 and not a PS3 first and then a PS4... but 300 Dollars/225 Euro is totally okay! But I don't will buy to PS'es if the 4 can't play PS3 games...
  21. Ventus seems to be 15, just like Sora/Roxas. And Terra... well, it's stated that Xemnas is about 30, right? So it would be logical if he would be ~20, because 10 years plus would be 30. And that was the time when Terranort became a heartless. And Aqua... well, 18. You don't need to be older to be wiser, and Aqua's that... in my opinion.
  22. Dousa

    Dousa's Artbox

    Hey guys, I'm going to do Zack's/Cloud's Buster Sword, its made out wood and yeah... 160cm/62inch long(btw. I am 176cm/69inch big) and weights 3,5kg/7,7lbs The grip needs to be rounded and yeah, I also need some kind of protector between grip and the Materia-slots Also colors...
  23. Whoa, that's awesome! Thank you very much, he looks so cool in your Artstyle, I like it And that's not a problem, about the delay. You had your reasons.
  24. Does someone know the length of Cloud's Buster Sword in Advent Children when it's complete assembled?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nick


      lol well lets see you handle a 6 foot maybe 60 lbs or so sword of steel like a butterknive

    3. Dousa


      Um, no... but maybe with the Mako Energy it would be possible? xD Or it's built out a light metal/steel whatever...

    4. Nick


      nope gotta be full metal/steel

      Watch and you'll see it be made to a 6 feet by 12 inch, 75 lbs sword:

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