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About star7crystal

  • Birthday 02/15/1995

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  1. How is it that yesterday was the first I heard that the guy who voices Wakka and Kimahri does Jake the Dog and Bender the robot?

  2. There are 3 novels for Birth By Sleep 2 novels for KH1 (These appear to be difficult to find though) 3 for Chain of Memories (2 for Sora's story, 1 for Riku's story) 3 for 358/2 Days 4 for KH2 1 for Re:Coded 2 for DDD (1 for Sora's Story, 1 for Riku's story) and 2 novels where each chapter is a short story related to Kingdom Hearts (for example 1 is set just after Sora and Riku join Kairi and co back on Destiny Island after the fight with Xemnas, and another is a story about Namine eating Ice Cream with Prence, Olette and Hayner before wiping their memory about it sometime in KH2). These are called Axel Seven Days and Other Diamonds. None of these have been officially translated into English but if you look around you can find some good fan translations. The best (in my opinion) are Goldpanner and Tyger. Goldpanner has translated 4 novels in full, these are Riku's Chain of memories novel, and all 3 of the 358/2 Days novels. Tyger has translated the Re:coded novel, the first Birth By Sleep novel and Other Diamonds and Axel Seven Days. Here's the link for Goldpanner's site with the translated novels: http://khenglish.wordpress.com/index/ I hope this helps
  3. I'm not getting it because I don't have a Vita or a PS3 and I've got both original games on PS2
  4. Goldpanner has translated parts of BBS into English (the first few chapters of the first novel) on http://khenglish.wordpress.com/index/kingdom-hearts-birth-by-sleep-vol-1-something-strange/ OR you can read a completed English fan-translation of the entire first novel on http://pageaday.dreamwidth.org/ . This translator has also translated the Re:Coded novel in full and the official collection of Kingdom Hearts short stories Other Diamonds and Axel Seven Days BUT YOU MUST MAKE AN ACCOUNT. ONCE YOU DO SO YOU ARE FREE TO READ IT. There are two other chapters you can read in English: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/21463-dark-memory-translation-vanitas-backstory/#ixzz2Qj2REr00 is Vanitus' backstory (I freaking love this!) and also the chapter Contrast at http://remember-kingdom-hearts.tumblr.com/post/28870649241/bonus-translation-of-the-novel-chapter-contrast All of these are unofficial English translations of the official novels. I DID NOT TRANSLATE THEM. None are fanfictions. I hope that this is what you wanted Forgot to say that the account you must make to read the novel on Dreamwidth is FREE There are 3 official novels in Japanese with no official English translations. Volume 1 Something Strange, Volume 2 Best Friends and Volume 3 To The Future Yen Press at some point stated that if they had enough interest they would consider publishing them in English so go ahead and tell them on social networking that you want them!
  5. Labels shouldn't matter so long as you're happy with yourself right?
  6. Thanks, for cheering me up a little :].

  7. I'd love to see some freckles at some point. Do any Disney or Final Fantasy characters even have any freckles?
  8. Don't ever hate yourself! I'm sure you can think of a way to patch things up, especially if you care so much about your friends. Personally I think that shows that you ARE a good friend if you care that much about them. You'll get through this Congrats for having the courage to ask to talk too
  9. If you follow this link: http://gold-panner.livejournal.com/ or this one: http://khenglish.wordpress.com/index/ there are completed English translations of all 3 of the 358/2 Days novels, the bonus short story (set in the Days time period about Axel and Roxas) Roxas Somewhere In Time and KH Chain of Memories Reverse/Rebirth: Rikus Story. gold_panner is an AMAZING translator and has also partially translated some other novels and is currently working on DDD: Side Sora. Plus you don't need to make an account on the site to view the translations. -Hope this helped
  10. Thanks a lot! now I just hope they release both ReMixes onto PS4 so I don't have to go and buy a PS3
  11. Since there was apparently no mention of it at E3 (from what I've read) does anybody know if they're going to bother with remaking KHII into a 2.5 ReMix? -For the record I really hope they do!
  12. Birth By Sleep Volume 1 (of 3): Something Strange: http://pageaday.dreamwidth.org/tag/source:+novel:+bbs+vol.1 Kingdom Hearts II, Short Stories Volume 1 (of 2): Other Diamonds: http://pageaday.dreamwidth.org/tag/source:+novel:+khii+short+stories+vol.+1 (MUCH better than my own rough translations ) Kingdom Hearts II, Short Stories Volume 2 (of 2): Axel Seven Days: http://pageaday.dreamwidth.org/tag/source:+novel:+khii+short+stories+vol.+2 Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded (just 1 volume for this novel): http://pageaday.dreamwidth.org/tag/source:+novel:+recoded YOU DO NEED A DREAMWIDTH ACCOUNT IN ORDER TO VIEW THESE NOVELS (theres other translated stuff on there related to the KH series and not). YOU ALSO NEED TO SIGN UP TO THE http://pageaday.dreamwidth.org/ "community" BTW THESE ARN'T MINE!
  13. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO exited!guess I'm now saving up for a PS4 I was gonna buy a PS3 for KH 1.5 ReMix but meh.
  14. . ENG Episode 1 - Nothing But Blue.docx ENG Episode 2 The Twilight.docx ENG Episode 7 Some Like It Cold.docx ENG Episode 8 Total Eclipse.docx
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