who said i was debating anything? if iw ere debating id probably like, yknow, actually think out a well constructed argument but nah. this is just my opinion. ful-blown angry american, simple, "firetruck this" opinion.
yeah!!...like at least give people a firetruckin option about what to do with THEIR bodies. the idea of something havint to be forced, having to be dictated about OUR BODIES is what makes us free.
it's the samewith durgs and shit. at a certain age, you have the OPTIOn to buy cigarrettes and alcohol. you have the OPTIOn to be careless, go overboard, and die at an early age/
ian its mostly because after i saw that shit, about "pregnancy crissis centers"...and how those crazy people try to brainwash these vulnerable girls out of getting abortions...
loike um, not everyone ca have a baby. maybe she was raped and the baby would only be a painful reminder. maybe shes a teen who did something stupid, got knocked up, and cant let her parents know or else she'll be abused/kicked out. maybe the baby is developing in PLACE IT SHOUDLNT BE, and will kill the mother and probably itself by the time it gets to a crertain size. do you even know what some extreme prolifers do? they will firetrucking harass people going into the clinics, to the point where some have even taken the harrassment further y getting their licenseplates/ddress and not elavin them alone
so yep, to anyone reading this, im sorry but, i fully and can completely say, that, firetruck prolifers. they can all literally, suck my malformed cock. if there is ever a law passed that makes aboriton illegal in my ountry i am using all my money to move thje firetruck out of here. i would sooner die than let someone dictate what the firetruck i do with my body.
((sorry, mty anger isnt directed at you, im just pretty passionately angry when i get so angry about shit like this. even the laws about not letting people end their life (if theyre sickly, and going to die anyways, and in a lot of pain) makes me prettyt pised. but thats a different topic and im done talking about this.
TL;DR: firetruck pro-lifers. eat my ass.
if this makes you (whoever reading this) hate me then oops sorry i dunno what to tell ya haha