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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. while we're on the subject of things we cant wrap our heads around... i personally cannot understand how people can be straight, or gay, exclusively. like i just assume everyone is bisexual or something unless stated otherwise. like...idk, maybe ita because the only thing im attracted to is mental rather than physical (seriously. idc wtfs in your pants; if i like your personality, i like you.) but then again, im asexual somidk heether or not that plays a part. obvs not every asexual is like thst so idk maybe just me? of course i can look at people, and in my mind register them as "attractive" or "good-looking", but to me it doesnt matter what your gender is, i fall in love based on personality if that makes any sense...idk... to me its like. idk. i cant even explain it i just dont understand it how can someone like just one or the other? sorry if this post made zero sense i dont think i even know what im talking qbout now confirmed: ghost does not believe in straight and gay people. that last part was a joke lol
  2. Well with site names like those I'm not surprised LOL
  3. Ok can someone explain to me what exactly qualifies as being "in a fandom"? Cause I shit you not, my entire bedroom set is completely MLP:FiM. I like the show but I rarely encounter bronies online? (usually just people who like the show and they're usually cute girls or nice guys) Where the firetruck are y'all going, is it like the deepest darkest depths of the internet, where you find the evil bronies everbody talks about??? e_e show me where they are 'cause I have honestly never encountered that and I'm curious haha. I thought it was pretty much dead as a fandom anyways tbh, like it blew up 4 years ago but now I feel like "bronies" are dead, and now there's just people who watch the show casually? Or was I wrong apparently o.o I just wanna know where y'all find all the crazies. I'm curious!
  4. ugh tgats so horrible. and theres enough kids in foster care/adoption centers already...hell, theres a lot fo HOMELESS kids already. so that argument is auto-shit. like they dont practice what they preach. i hated going to CCD cause they rpeached this shit and one time i said firetruck you to them (another boy agreed w/me so we would always make up shit to get the firetruck outta that class) i swear theyre crazy
  5. who said i was debating anything? if iw ere debating id probably like, yknow, actually think out a well constructed argument but nah. this is just my opinion. ful-blown angry american, simple, "firetruck this" opinion. yeah!!...like at least give people a firetruckin option about what to do with THEIR bodies. the idea of something havint to be forced, having to be dictated about OUR BODIES is what makes us free. it's the samewith durgs and shit. at a certain age, you have the OPTIOn to buy cigarrettes and alcohol. you have the OPTIOn to be careless, go overboard, and die at an early age/ ian its mostly because after i saw that shit, about "pregnancy crissis centers"...and how those crazy people try to brainwash these vulnerable girls out of getting abortions... loike um, not everyone ca have a baby. maybe she was raped and the baby would only be a painful reminder. maybe shes a teen who did something stupid, got knocked up, and cant let her parents know or else she'll be abused/kicked out. maybe the baby is developing in PLACE IT SHOUDLNT BE, and will kill the mother and probably itself by the time it gets to a crertain size. do you even know what some extreme prolifers do? they will firetrucking harass people going into the clinics, to the point where some have even taken the harrassment further y getting their licenseplates/ddress and not elavin them alone so yep, to anyone reading this, im sorry but, i fully and can completely say, that, firetruck prolifers. they can all literally, suck my malformed cock. if there is ever a law passed that makes aboriton illegal in my ountry i am using all my money to move thje firetruck out of here. i would sooner die than let someone dictate what the firetruck i do with my body. ((sorry, mty anger isnt directed at you, im just pretty passionately angry when i get so angry about shit like this. even the laws about not letting people end their life (if theyre sickly, and going to die anyways, and in a lot of pain) makes me prettyt pised. but thats a different topic and im done talking about this. TL;DR: firetruck pro-lifers. eat my ass. if this makes you (whoever reading this) hate me then oops sorry i dunno what to tell ya haha
  6. did i already post this? i dont think so. i think i thought about posting it but i never did cause i havent been on the site in a few days pro-lifers disgust me. sorry not sorry, but fu ck you. go to hell. you shouldnt be able to firetrucking decide what someone chooses to do with their own bodies you firetrucking religiou zealot psychopaths
  7. anyone play mabinogi and want to teach me how to play?

    1. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      Tell Soul to play it, he'll pro it out in 3 days and teach you xD

    2. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      My bae has summoned me.

  8. never share a makeup brush!

    1. Dracozombie


      No prob, I don't have makeup brushes. I just use my fingers like a REAL CHAMP

  9. one time i ate too many sunflower seeds and caused some internal bleeding

    1. Dracozombie


      That is both scary and impressive.

    2. Ghost



  10. my headcanon for you is that youre a victorias secret model...

    1. Dracozombie


      Let me knock off twenty pounds or so and up my fashion sense by 20 percent awesome and I'll get back to you on that headcanon.

    2. Ghost




  12. *throws money at*

  13. okay so youre asexual too right? on a scale from a rubberband to bill clinton how asexual are you?

    1. Dracozombie


      Rubber Clinton.

  14. (i hope all this is making you laugh in one way or another)



  17. lets play a game its called finish the song lyrics! SEE ANYBODY COULD BE GOOOD TO YOU...

  18. will you do the anime thing where the senpai pins the kouhai against the wall??. that is my number 1 biggest fetish


  20. you remind me of someone and i wish you two could have met because you were soooooooo alike

  21. check out my soundcloud

  22. also download my mixtape

  23. youre one of the wisest people i know so i feel like whenever i gave a question i need YOUR input on it.

    1. Dracozombie


      Sensei is honored. ;_;

  24. i really hate how when someone expresses their dislike for a person, others assume its jealousy. like um no, lol, get over yourself. i have every right to hate some bitch and i cant think of a god damned reason id want to be her - who likes being fake?
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