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About m.a.g.27

  • Birthday 07/12/1992

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  1. I hadn't thought of that. I guess Nomura does write it as he goes lol. Thanks for the answers, I feel I understand it better now.
  2. Sorry if this has been asked before but I just thought of something. When Sora releases his and Kairi's hearts with Riku/Xehanort's Heartless' keyblade, why did Ven's heart end up with Roxas, instead of just going back to Ven? Kairi got her heart back almost instantly, so why didn't Ven's heart fly off to Castle Oblivion where it belonged? Once again I apologize if this has been asked and answered already, but this has been bugging me the past couple of days after playing 1.5 and watching that scene again.
  3. Got that txt today too. My gamestop opens at 10 so I'll probably get there right after they open and play all day.
  4. With school just starting, KH 1.5 coming out Sept 10, then GTA V coming out a week later I'm not gonna have a life for the whole month of Sept haha
  5. I loved August Burns Red's new album. I also thought BMTH's Sempiternal was a good album while totally different from their previous albums. And in a completely different genre City and Colour's The Hurry and the Harm is brilliant too. A lot of good albums came out this year when you think about it lol.
  6. Just finished The Last of Us. That game is incredible! Who else has played/finished it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SoraBlade


      Eh...that's pretty far.

    3. m.a.g.27


      Okay, then I'd say you're probably about 50-60% through the game. I did get the feeling that the game drags a little but it's totally worth it, especially if you look around for the artifacts. They tell such a great story through the environment.

    4. RoxSox


      I didn't think I was that far. Cool.

  7. I just hope that when KH3 gets released in Japan the other regions won't have to wait too long for it. I hope for Q3 2015 Japan and a Q4 2015 for everyone else (long shot, but a man can hope haha).
  8. Maybe not a tutorial but I like the idea of playing as Noctis while he's playing with his Dad. It deepens the relationship between the two and makes Noctis a more sympathetic character at the same time. Of course if you are playing Noctis as a kid, how could it not be a tutorial haha.
  9. I saw Man of Steel at midnight and freakin loved it. There is action overload in the last 3rd of the movie, but I really liked how they portrayed Superman in this movie. Acting is on point, with a lot more time than expected with Jor-El. Henry Cavil killed it as Superman/Clark/Kal-El. Easily best sci-fi/comic/action movie this year so far. 9/10
  10. If you were going to preorder a PS4, what games would you get with it at launch?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. m.a.g.27


      From the looks of the E3 trailer, FFXV is pretty far along so I hope it comes out late 13-early 14 in Japan, then everywhere else within 2-3 months of Japan.

    3. Demyx.
    4. DaxtotheMax
  11. If 2.5 does get announced at TGS 2013 do you think it will be released in March 2014 for JP and September 2014 for other territories, like 1.5?
  12. I read somewhere (probably ign or kotaku, can't remember which) that Square wouldn't comment on the PS4 and Xbox One versions of KHIII being released at the same time. This leads me to believe that KHIII could be a timed exclusive for the PS4, or that release is so far out that Square didn't want to put anything to paper. But wouldn't it be kind of cool if KHIII was a timed exclusive. The numbered entries have always been on Sony consoles, and Square has a much longer and lucrative history with them over Microsoft. If it is a timed exclusive, then that is just more incentive for KH fans to go buy PS4s, because that's where you could play the game first. I would say it would be on PS4 for 3-6 months before coming to Xbox One.
  13. I have to work during the Sony's conference you think they'll release it online for people to watch later?
  14. Ign is reporting on an official statement from Microsoft on the Xbox One's always online policy and used games policy. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/06/microsoft-details-xbox-one-used-games-always-online If you buy a Xbox One, you can play offline for 24 hours before having to re-establish a connection to the internet. You can still watch tv and blu-rays offline. You can give games through your Xbox, but only 1 time per game and only if that friend has been on your friends list for 30 or more days. You cannot loan or rent games at launch. Deal breaker?
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