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Everything posted by mosokisa

  1. I was so extremely surprised! First, I couldn't believe it, I thought it must be April First fool or something, it just could not be true. But pretty soon I started believing (even though it still felt completely unreal). It was hard to breath, my heart pounded fast and I watched the trailer eyes wide open and then ran to show it to my sister.
  2. I'd like to see a new outfit too. Because it'd just be nice to see new clothes on him : )
  3. I would have prefered Sora, Riku and Kairi as a party but this is alright too. I quess Donald and Goofy deserve a bigger role since they have had so small parts in so many other games
  4. That's also at least on KH13 http://kh13.com/news/36941-square-enix-press-release-reveals-kingdom-hearts-iii-story-details There's a lot news of the game, so just go on the front page and you can read them all
  5. I also want her to have something else than an organization cloak, and the same with Lea. What I meant by Kairi being different from KH1 Kairi was more like the way she moved. Hm, hard to explain but she just seemed a bit over girly to me in KH2 and I hope Xion wouldn't be like that too. Yes, it is. At least you can find the information on KH13 main page http://kh13.com/news/36929-kingdom-hearts-iii-to-be-released-on-ps4-and-xbox-one
  6. Me too. I fear that they'll bring Xion back but change her, like make her grow like they made Kairi grow to be quite different than she was in the first game. It's not that I don't like her in KH2 but I like her more in 1... And I don't want the same thing happening to Xion.. But on the other hand, there's different people in charge now so maybe they won't do things the same way.
  7. I felt a bit uneasy too, when I read of this, but now I think it's gonna be just good that it's this team. And I love BBS and there's a lot of things I like a lot in 3D, so I'm sure they'll do it well. And maybe it's more likely to the game to have commands (and maybe maybe melding...) now... I hope.. You're so right.
  8. I too think Sora doesn't need a master more than he has anytime before. I hope that's not true. I'd like at least one person to really stay dead and him getting back to life would just make him death less sad. But that would be so like Kingdom Hearts though.
  9. Hey, thanks for adding me as a friend! ^.^

  10. I don't want to spoil myself! I am not sure how I'm gonna manage though, because I'm quite sure that internet will be full of stuff of it and I don't know how I can avoid all of them. Maybe I should just not go to the net before the game comes to Europe and before I've played it (like I did with the last Potter book), buuut... I'm not sure would I be able to do that either... But at least I'm not going to spoil myself on purpose!
  11. I too think it is, but can't know that. Ha, I did too...
  12. This is exactly what I think. I don't think the trailers graphics would be so pleasing to me if they were the final graphics, but since it's just a beta, I think they look very good I so hope they won't make KH look too realistic... I like realistic graphics and all but I'd want the graphics to stay pretty much the same they have been. Of course I want them to be even better than before but just not too different.
  13. I'm super exited of the KH3 announcement and trailer right now, I can't really consentrate on anything! : OO

    1. mosokisa


      It's so hard, I try to read stuff about KH3 but it takes so much time to understand anything, my brain is over active and my heart just pounds so fast D:

    2. Jiraiya's Disciple

      Jiraiya's Disciple

      I know the feeling it's like a sugar high

    3. mosokisa


      It really is!

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  14. AAAGH WOO OO I just get to know about this, I just watched the trailer and i'm super super exited!! : OO I can't believe this happened, I was wondering is it April First or something, but now I',m starting to be pretty sure it's true, even though IT STILL IS UNBELIEVEABLE! Really! I didn't see it coming at all!! But so great great great
  15. I loved The Little Mermaid the most as a child and when I a few years ago watched it again first time again after watching it when I was little, I still was able to remember some conversations word-to-word and stuff! D : I must have watched it A LOT. But I love the feeling I get especially from that movie, some other old ones too. So I understand what you're saying. For me the feeling is, with some movies at least, mostly nostalgia I think though. I actually like some new movies even better than some old ones (for example, I like Tangled a lot more than Cinderella), but of course the new ones can't have that nostalgia feeling.
  16. WHOA, what is this, SO MANY KH fans here! O.O
  17. So do you sing and play this yourself?! O.O It's absolutely beautiful!
  18. Yeah, I liked that too. And panels. You really had to think what to put there. And even though the heartless seem to be quite irritating to fight sometimes (when they're not actually HARD but it just takes a lot of time to finish them and you can just do some same attacks over and over again..) I think there was something nice in them too. Like, in many other KH games it doesn't really matter that much do you hit them or attack with fire or blizzard. There's some difference but not so much really (maybe just because it doesn't take so long to finish enemies in other games), but in Days it really is helpful to attack a heartless with a specifick attack which it has weakness to.
  19. haha, I didn't realize anything being weird at first : D
  20. I'm so mad at me right now, I should know that you're not supposed to read a topic like this if you don't want to get spoiled of some popular games ...REALLY, how stupid can I be?! D : ARGH But anyway, Xion's death made me so said and as well as Axel's. Another sad one was Vossler's death in FFXII, it was so irritating when he always stepped in the traps but when he was gone.. I missed him doing so.
  21. I think that's a good metaphore and has truth in it
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