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Lily Rośe

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Everything posted by Lily Rośe

  1. *giggles* I sense that everyone now hates me for shipping Ven and Roxas. Oh well,back to Roxel. Nah I love them both
  2. Kingdom Hearts changed my life. The game series showed me the true meaning of friendship and being strong even at the darkest times. How did KH change you?
  3. Any Dubstep song? Anyone? Although I really do like Dubstep
  4. Yes actually even though they are kinda like the same person but you can actually ship them ~Lily
  5. Ventus or Sora. Yeah I know Sora is like four years old in BBS. But his heart is very strong. Ventus because like Sora in the other games he is always positive. Even at hard times,he would keep trying.
  6. I am about something. I ship Ventus and Roxas. Don't judge me. Be free to ask anything about Ven or Roxas ~Lily Rośe
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