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Everything posted by GothicSlenderman

  1. Ahh yes, I remember now! That would explain why in in certain scenerios in KH2 where you had to fight the Nobodies, there were no Heartless. Like in Hades' room in the Underworld.
  2. I don't see why not, I mean- *GASP* NO WHAT if in KH3 we could customize more than just Sora, but also the other party members?! ERMAHGERD NEED!
  3. The Heartless appeared in Twilight during 358/2 Days and are supposed to be in during KH3 so why not during the game that takes place in between them? That's something I've never understood. I haven't played KH2 in a while so for all I know it could be something basic I'm not remembering.
  4. In my opinion KH1 is too goofy looking KH Dream Drop Distance has too much red KH2 was my favorite until.... KH3, idk I just like this one the best. It makes the best usage of red and black. And not the bright red like the other designs used. The darker red that...you know...actually works with black.
  5. Thanks! It means a lot! To be honest I was a little disappointed by the design I have the guillotine monster. But I think it might work with the Bloodborne-esc designs I'm aiming for.
  6. ---WARNING: I don't have a drawing tablet nor a fancy a illustration software due to money issues. For now anyway. So everything has to be portrayed as sketches. In the future I may remake or retrace Arrhythmia in the digital field.--- *Go to bottom of topic for the 1/14/17 questions* So, a little bit ago I said that I wanted to start making web comics and writing. And now I finally want to start that dream. So what will my first story be about? Well, being on this site, you must know that I LOVE Kingdom Hearts, right? But if there's one thing I hate about the world's that Sora and the gang go to. Disney's films are not the original story (most of the time) with cases like Snow White, Cinderella, Hercules, Aladdin and others that only vaguely resemble the original open use material. The original's are darker and more grotesque in nature, in comparison to the bright and colorful Disney versions. They have become so famous; that they are mistaken as the originals. Once I asked myself "What would Sora do if he was in these horrifying stories?" That inspired me to make this! ARRHYTHMIA. A horror story, directly inspired by the Kingdom Hearts series. But instead of starring a keyblade wielding jolly character going to many colorful worlds, this story stars a young girl who lives a new life every time she dies. She was chosen by the "Great Ones" to see through dimensions and face off against beings known as parasites that want to disrupt the balance between life and death. She will be followed by "The Shadow" a being that will be her equivalent to Sora's Keyblade. But instead it will be some what sentient. Some what meaning he can't talk but still use body language to communicate with our main character. For worlds I'm doing more than just the original fairy tales that Disney based their famous films on (as some of then are too bland to become worlds) But also will include other open use material like Japanese cultural stories/urban legends, other famous fairy tales, nursery rhymes, old horror monsters and other things as well. A good example for "others" would be something like H.P. Lovecraft's Call of Cthulhu. I have already though of a few ideas, but I would like to hear yours as well for worlds, enemies, how far I should go with gore and horror, ect. Speaking of "gore and horror" coming this far into the post must already tell you that this story will feature A LOT of death and disturbing imagery. But I'll make another warning just in case...WARNING: THIS WEBCOMIC WILL FEATURE GORE, BLOOD, GUTS, SWEARING, RELIGIOUS REFERENCES, SEXUAL THEMES, ECT. Here's some concept art I have for the main character & her shadow along with some artwork of one of the monsters I'd like to implement. Another warning: I have little to no money or equipment. So the story most likely will be in sketch only (that is until I get the money to get better equipment and a better computer) I've thought of the idea of drawing everything, importing the images and tracing them with a mouse and a free illustration software like Gimp. But I figured that would take too long and gimp doesn't have what I need. I understand that webcomics are a visual media, but I'd like you to judge this webcomic by it's story more than it's limited appearance. UPDATE: 11/15/2016 -Worlds CONSIDERED to be added Today I've decided to be a bit more specific on what kind of worlds I'd be adding to Arrhythmia. -Original Fairy Tales | Some of these old stories that Disney has remade into classics need to show their old, much darker colors. I'll also be adding Fairy Tales that Disney has made family friendly -Urban Legends | Mainly based on American and Japanese Urban legends like the infamous slit mouth woman or Bunny Man. I've also just thought about adding a "disaster" world based on Urban Legends in general -Open Use Material | Open Use refers to something that was made by someone else but is NOT owned by a specific company. Good examples of this are Call of Cthulhu, Krampus, Edgar Allen Poe poems & Dracula -Japanese Folklore/mythology | Slit Mouth Woman, Tomino's Hell & other fascinating tales from Japan could be included. Japan's such a creative place. -Religion | I'll have to be REALLY careful on this one in case I offend anyone. Especially sense I'm not a religious person. This kind of stuff could include Buddhism, The Crucifixion of Christ & Dante's Inferno/a HELL world. Though, I might not include something so risky. -Moments in History | Mainly famous wars such as World War II in Germany or World War I. -Original content | Hey, why not have some fun and include other things as well? UPDATE: 1/11/17 - Small concept art & Story completely changing for more of a Fairy Tale/Lovecraftian feel. So today I decided to take the story into a route. I want to add a lot of mystery and less dialogue so there could be a lot of speculation for others to make. Still figuring things out. But to let you know I'm still working hard on Arrhythmia here's some half-complete concept art of the first page. I hope you like what you see UPDATE: 1/14/17 - What do you want to see? So recently I became a bit stumped on how Arrhythmia should be set up, then I remembered that this would be KH inspired project so who else to ask then the KH community? I have a few questions down below and if you're interested then please give me your honest thoughts in a comment! Ok? Here are the questions? 1. Despite it being a horror, do you want some action? Maybe a small amount so that it doesn't over shadow the horror. 2. Do you want a lot of original characters to be introduced? Not in the main cast as that will only consist of the young girl and "the Shadow" but something like Roxas, Aqua or Axel. Characters that would still be important to the story yet wouldn't interfere with the main task. 3. A main villain? Something on the lines of Xehanort but I've also considered not making a villain to just make the enemy the parasites and the adventure. 4. If yes to the villain then would you also like to see a group like Organization XIII or a cult? Now for something else. I'd like Arrhythmia to have some original worlds but maybe have then inspired by actual horror products. Parodies if you will. If there's a famous horror game, movie, anime, cartoon, comic, book or some other form of media you'd like to see included then also put them down below. It could go from anything like FNAF, Silent Hill or Friday the 13th. Please put your honest thoughts down below! More questions could be added later on, thanks for reading and I'll see you soon with more concept art.
  7. And I can say is thank you for your honest words. I will try to keep that in mind as hard as it my be due to my anxiety and depression.
  8. Well the thing is, it's not that I won't give Trump a chance (I will gladly give him the chance that anyone deserves) but it's more the things people say about him that worry me. I know that (in my opinion) he's a better choice than Hillary. But with everything that's going on the world and how vocal people can be in this modern day of technology I just get a bit worry-some over the things that people say.
  9. You're absolutely right. I am immature for thinking this and worrying about it as well. I've always suffered from anxiety and depression just like the 2012 Mayan Calendar doomsday thing. But I should know better. I don't want this to end up like my last 6 years of depression and anxiety from 2009-2012 which only extended to 2015 due to everyone saying that the Mayan calendar was delayed or people saying the the blood moon for 2015 would mean the end. But the only thing I can object is that I really don't know how to not feel anxious for the future, because I'm so unsure of what could or will happen. It makes me feel like everything I do will be worthless in the end. But thank you for being honest. I appreciate that.
  10. I want to say thank you for everyone who has been here for me so far. But I just have one more thing to ask. I'm not a political person and never was before the election. I believe Trump could do great things for this country. But everyone keeps saying that we're all going to die because of him, world war 3 will begin and what not. I suffer from a lot of anxiety and I just want some honest assurance that I will live to see the next presidential election. Every waking moment is fear of the idea of a nuclear bomb will show up out of no where causing the end of the world or the beginning of WW3. I want to live to see my dream of animation unfold. So please, I just want a promise that everything will be ok...with some evidence if that is possible... Also, thank you all for being here for me in my time of need. Also, for those who say I should seek help, I would if I could. But I have little to no money and I need to save money just to get by. I want to see a psychiatrist so badly but nor do I have the time or the money to do so.
  11. I almost made the biggest mistake of my life over what others have said. I'm anxious and scared. Honestly. IDK what else to do. I'm going to die. rioght? Alcohol is my only escape. I'm scared for the future. I admit it; I'm an attention whore. I want people to comfort me in my time of need. Is that so wrong. I don't want to die young. I'm scared. Someone pleasehelp me before I kae the biggest mistake of my life
  12. What if...by theory. Sora and the rest of the gang aren't traveling to different worlds but traveling through time. And each world is a different timeline in the same world. This would explain how the heartless were able to spread so quickly and seemingly be there before Sora enters the world. How is it that the Heartless were able to beat him every time? Maybe they've always existed and what we fight is actually the evolved heartless. Like the theory of Evolution. This would also explain why Sora has to be a certain level to be in a certain world. (Like in the Gummi Ship in KH2 it would recommend you to be at a certain level) Another thing is the FF7 crew. The events in FF Advent Children took place 2 years after FF7 (which the designs are based on in KH2). But in KH1 they were in their original designs. And the time between KH1 &KH2 was just one year. We've also been discovering how time travel works in KH3D. Just a though .3. also I got bored.
  13. A few more I made today and last night at work...I'm a great employee
  14. I'd like to see the Warrior of Light but I've heard rumors that have been going on for years that Lightning will be appearing in KH3 so maybe she could be the Olympus fighter? Or a new member of the restoration committee
  15. It's been a while sense I've done anything online (let alone this site) so I decided to compile some of my most recent drawings and concept I've made in the passed month or so. So anyway, before I show you all these, I wanna tell you a story. I've always love animation. How it has the potential to make any kind of story out there with so many forms like the thin curvy lines of Adventure Time, the thick edgy lines of Powerpuff Girls, the wavy lines of Ed, Edd n' Eddy, the silly style of old Black and White Cartoons, the more anatomy focused Anime style, stop motion with Tim Burton, ect. My main dream is to become an animator and bring characters to life. But there's one problem, money. I only have a 5 year old laptop and nothing else. So I can't get started in animation just yet. I also need to get my GED so I can go to school for art. So here's what I decided to do. I'm going to become a webcomic author/illustrator...unfortunately the only things I have are my camera and my sketch pad. So for the most part I either have to take pictures of what I make and post it like that or takes pictures of my drawings and trace them with a free illustration software...with a mouse. Not that glamorous but I think it could get me properly started on story writing and also improving my art as a whole. I also want to start writing Creepypastas so I could find a way to master my favorite genre; Horror. Most of my work will be horror but not all, because if I did nothing but horror then I'd get bored of it. And I don't want to get bored of my favorite genre. I need to work on story writing, grammar, punctuation, ect. so I can make the best stories I could ever write. I want to inspire people with scares and frights. So anyway, here's some of the art I've made recently. (WARNING: Sense I want to become a horror author/illustrator then some of my work might be a bit disturbing for some. Fear is subjective after all.) Please give me your honest opinion on all of this! Even if it's negative, for I want to improve in every direction. Oh, and be prepared for Creepypastas, videos & webcomics from the new and improved Hotel-Room-CIII (The name I will go by in most of these works)
  16. Eh, wether it be Disney, Square or another company. But no, I don't know what V Cast is. I wouldn't mind a Disney United (as long as it's made well) and as for the shared universe thing. I don't think it needs to be required. Maybe it could be a new game that takes place in the same universe.
  17. There's so much that Disney has under their belt. But we always seem to think of the movies the most, even though Disney has done so much more. Like animated series on Zoog, Disney Channel, Toon Disney, Jetix & Disney . But I don't think (with the exception of Gravity Falls due to it's popularity) most of these shows would fit in KH3 as they would be just thrown in at the last installment of the Xehanort saga. And I did think of the idea of putting them in the next Saga right away, but I think I got a better idea. Remember when Disney was going to make their own Kingdom Hearts game for iOS? Well what if we did a similar thing? A Kingdom Hearts spin off for PS4 centered around Disney animated series. I think this idea alone has potential as we could add shows like Gravity Falls, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Kim Possible, American Dragon, Duck Tales, Dark-wing Duck, Rescue Rangers, Phineas and Ferb, Lilo & Stitch the animated series, Recess, Motorcity, Wonder over Yonder, the Replacements, ect. Most of these shows wouldn't even fit in the main Kingdom Hearts games due to some of their tone, settings & personality differences between these shows and the movies. A spin-off starring a new cast of characters could fix that though. This could also lead to experimentation with ideas that the normal series wouldn't do. Like maybe a turn based game or straight up hack & slash. Or maybe just a platformer based on KH gameplay. Imagine a 3D platformer with KH RPG elements while using the drop sequence. One last thing could be a shared universe like Marvel's Avengers has. This could lead to a climatic ending for the 2nd Saga (as it would be too late to make a shared universe for the Xehanort Saga as KH3 is in development. Marvel & Star Wars could get in on the fun as well with some of their animated series like the Amazing Spider Man cartoon on Disney or Star Wars the Clone Wars. No what about the live action shows. NO, OH GOD NO! Secondly, even if that was a good idea, we would have to remake the characters in an animated form as simply dropping them in the game would use the likeness of the actors. But besides that, Do you think a KH spin off series with the animated series could work? Especially to add a shared Universe to the next Saga? OR, here's another idea, A spin-off based on the old Disney Shorts from the Black & White era, to the early colored toons, to the House of Mouse shorts and to the newer shorts, Maybe even an appearance of Silly Symphonies?
  18. Most likely more news coming winter. But it wouldn't shock me considering the lack of news we've been getting and I don't know that many gaming events in winter.
  19. I have worked at a Sunoco Gas station on 3rd Shift sense late February 2016. I usually work alone from 11PM-7AM. I work 3rd shift mainly because it's a bit less hectic. I get most of my duties done within an hour and the rest is just making breakfast sandwiches & helping others at the counter. Though, I don't always feel safe there. My sunoco is in a "not so safe" area where muggings and shootings happen often, though my store is right outside of that city. But that doesn't make me any less stressed about the possibility of getting mugged, robbed or even shot. I have never dealt with that before and the original third shift worker "who had been working there for 2 years before he moved back to WA state) said he never had to deal with that sort of thing. The most I ever had to deal with was just an angry old man waiting on a taxi. My store is right beside a 24 hour Dunkin Doughnuts & a 24 hour Ihop and right in front of a Hampton Inn hotel which is right in front of a Retirement home (I believe) There's also a Primati Brothers to the right which closes around 11. Cops sometimes sit in front of the store sense I'm right on the highway and a lot of kids speed there. There is also a high school to the left. So what do you think? Should I be worried or not?
  20. Yeah and that did get me thinking of something else. Zeref - Night Larcade - Day Natsu - The Horizon in between (Sunset/Sunrise)
  21. YouTube has started sense 2005, but I haven't noticed it sense 2007. For 9 years I have noticed an entire site that I am very passionate about change into the worst yet popular place on the internet. I'm not saying this as a way of attention or to cause "YouTube Drama" which is mostly bullshit in my opinion. But I'm merely saying this as a small attempt at bringing attention to the true issue of the site. It's not faulty copyright claims nor the "issue" of YouTube Drama. But something I believe is irreversible and is too late to fix. This site has gotten too big for it's own good. Let me take you on a history lesson. I discovered this site in 2007 when me and my sister were looking at random, funny videos like Salad Fingers & Charlie the Unicorn. A year later when I was 12 I figured out I could make my own account on the site and make my own videos on there. It was a big passion of mine, even when I was a child. When I was in the single digits of life I used to "borrow" my grandmothers camera to make silly little skits and videos (unfortunately none of them are available sense they all burnt up in a house fire) but that's when my creative fuse started. In Intermediate school I made a small comic called Ultra-Z. Even when I was that little I was trying so hard to be as creative as possible. Then I made a Youtube account called Jetray102. It was something magical to me, even if I had no idea on how to use it (I actually thought the "Upload" button was about using someone else's content so I used a site called Onetruemedia.com which is now shut down) In 2012 my mom deleted the email connected to my YouTube account (unknowingly) I was upset but my sister's friend at the time let me used her email to make a new account called Jetray103. 2 Years later I wanted to start fresh so, inspired by the recent boom of horror in 2012 and the Creepypasta character Slender Man, I created GothicSlenderman; so far my most successful creation. I'm still using it even after 4 years. I also recently announced that I'm starting a new account for original, story driven content call Hotel Room CIII (Formerly GothicWolfTail) But that's when I realized how bad YouTube has become! When YouTube first started in 2008 it's publicity system was based on views (IF you're video got a lot views then it would have a bigger chance of getting noticed.) But in 2011 they changed it to "Minutes watch" & "Upload frequency" Which basically means you had to upload a 10 minute video everyday to stand a chance in YouTube (Nowadays it's a 30 minute video 3 times a day) This of course started a shift on the site. Pre-existing YouTubers had to adapt and new YouTubers had to find a way to get noticed. Thus Let's Playing was born. Now, this existed before hand (as Walkthroughs) But it quickly exploded when Pewdiepie & Markiplier started playing games like Slender & Amnesia: The Dark Decent. This also started the big boom of horror and the discovery of Creepypasta. But then there were too many let's players to even count! KSI, Jacksepticeye, Cryaotic, Lsshadowlady, Mangaminx, cinnamontoastken, ect. And the pre-existing YouTubers became desprite! Smosh now has to create "behind the scenes" videos for almost everything they create, Fred up and sold his account, Annoy Orange now has a weekly schedule (INCLUDING A LET'S PLAY SEGMENT) & some others had to make side channels for Let's Plays. Makeebad35 -> Pwnageshow, Tobuscus -> Toby Plays, ect. Then came reaction videos (they existed before but not like this) These current "Reactors" now steal other people's content, without permission, and show the full video with little to no reaction (despite being called REACTION CHANNELS), and taking the monetization. Now you may be thinking "People watch what they want to watch" and that's true; YouTube is not a random button which sends you to MrNobody's videos. But what these people who use that argument don't realize is that most of the videos that get in their recommended section or highly rated section are ONLY videos that get over 10,000 views (something very difficult for new users) YouTube now is like a faulty restaurant menu. You go in and that give you the menu, but the menu only has 1/5 of what's really available (and this is the first time you're at the place and they neglect to tell you that you're missing most of the menu) YouTube IS that faulty restaurant menu. They're literally dozens, if not hundreds, of YouTubers who now haze over 1 million subs, even if they do not deserve it and just abuse the new "publicity system". It's really not fair for new users, especially when company's like Disney, Warner Bros & Universal are now putting their TV Shows & Movies on YouTube to be payed for. How can a new channel compete with an already successful movie or TV Show? Most animators, skit directors & indie film directors stand almost no chance on the site. But don't worry, there is a way to get noticed even if you don't upload videos every day. Just parody something that's currently popular! Like all of the YouTubers who make videos on Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale or something currently relevant. Every wonder why piemations or Grim TV got noticed? While David Firth (The creator of Salad Fingers till has only 1/2 million subs) or Eddsworld JUST got to a million? Also If it really is the "We watch what we want to watch" thing, then how come users like I Hate Everything, Rebeltaxi or Jordan Underneath haven't made 1Million subs despite the years they've been on YouTube and Jinx the Reactor (One of the most hated YouTubers) got over 1Million subs in over a few months? It's not that stupid "We watch what we want to watch thing"! It's that you watch what's popular and think you have full control, when really you don't. And about this "YouTube Drama" thing. It's just like the who Kim Kardashian or "Nikki Minaj vs. Miley Cyrus" shit. No one should care about it. But at this point, too many people idolize YouTubers to see what kind of site YouTube was meant to be. The Toby Turner pedophile allegations, Keemstar, Leafyishere, I've just about had enough of it. At this point YouTube is not a creative site any more. It's more of a running track to see who can make the longest content the fastest while relying on popular subjects and making other people trip on the track. It really isn't fair. False copyright claims and YouTube "Drama" should be the least of our worries at this point. But is there anyway to reverse this? No, it's too late. This site has gotten too big for it's own good. And there is no way to reverse the effects unless someone makes an equally good video uploading site to rival YouTube. But for the past 11 years, Yahoo, Zippcast & Dailymotion have been unable to do that. I don't even take this site as seriously as I did back then. I see no point in being creative any more. Who knows, maybe DeviantArt & Tumblr could be next. Greed is the route of this problem. Greed of subs, greed of monetization, when this site is meant to be a place where people are allowed to share their creative thoughts. But It's not like that any more. That's why I considered leaving this firetrucked up place I used to love. But I don't know how to. Videos are one of the only ways I figured out how to express myself. But I can't do that when there are reactors, let's players & Tv shows ALWAYS over shadowing me, even though I've been on this site most likely 3 times longer than them. But I've gotten almost nothing despite how hard I've worked on my series & characters. At this point, I have no idea on what I'm even doing when this system is so broken and no one really realizes it. I'm not saying I deserve more than anyone. I just wish there was a better balance. That's all I ask. And that's why I'm leaving. I can't do this any more. There's no reason to really try when the effort I put in my work and characters means nothing to the rest of the world and some guy who plays an Amnesia mod gets more attention for faking a few screams. I want to fill my passion through my webcomic "Alice Darksin" and literature. I don't care how "unpopular" I become. I just wanted a healthy way to express myself. This dark time came at the worst time. I have no money, I have a job that barely pays or gives me a proper schedule, I have to live with my family despite the fact I was living on my own for about a year. I don't need the bias and unbalanced views of this site any more. All I wanted was a release of creativity.
  22. Can't argue with that. Arcade is pretty much the basics of all fighting games. To not have one is pretty idiotic, and this is Capcom that king of fighting games.
  23. *cough* Splatoon *cough* Street Fighter V may have been lacking in content, but at least it promised new free content instead of paid DLC. Much like what Splatoon did. I could easily say that Splatoon was "rushed & unfinished" both games missed their deadline but make for it with the promise of free content.
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