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About Hiraii

  • Birthday 02/28/1991

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  1. I have officially added everyone in this thread. plz add me In game nickname: Hiraii 3DS nickname: Hiraii Friend Code: 2836-1513-2180 Safari Type: Fighting Safari Encounters: Pancham, Tyrouge, and Mienfoo
  2. Your safari is Poison with Gloom, Ariados, and Whirlipede i'll add you as soon as possible
  3. In game nickname: Hiraii 3DS nickname: Hiraii Friend Code: 2836-1513-2180 Safari Type: Fighting Safari Encounters: Not sure
  4. Add me up, my FC is 2836-1513-2180. I'll add everyone here
  5. only if its a game that has no plans of being released in north america and its a game i would love to play like jump ultimate stars
  6. Just bought me Mario Tennis 3D and Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D :) If anyone wants to play me in Mario Tennis just let me know

  7. If you were able to go to any place of the world, where would you go?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Caity


      Until you've been abducted and forced into a sex trade

      And foreigners who typically move over generally will always feel like an outsider.

      Fictional places are optional right?

      I'd like to go to Heaven, get a video tape of God saying Gays are great, and then shove it in everyones face aggressively.

    3. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard

      ...I'd still go to NIPPON


      or Switzerland c:

    4. Hiraii


      i don't see myself getting abducted lol but yeah fictional places are optional and that's pretty cool that you support gay rights.


      @shera Switzerland huh..good choice lol i haven't been there but i have seen it in movies it looks beautiful over there

  8. Anyone willing to trade, looking for certain pokemon to complete my pokedex for the upcoming x and y games. Will appreciate it if you guys could help me out.
  9. Before i would have said watch it in english, but now that i watch it in japanese..i completely change my mind. If you want better voice actors who actually have emotion along with better character names then definitely watch the japanese version..its a whole lot better than the english version.
  10. best suitable partner for sora riku would probably have a badass pokemon like hydreigon
  11. this will make my life a whole lot easier when i buy this game
  12. i know how you feel, it came out while i was in elementary school too..time sure flies
  13. Watching YTV! Smh! Look at how they ruined it...it was way better back in the day

    1. Jiraiya's Disciple

      Jiraiya's Disciple

      Yeah it's terrible now

    2. Hiraii


      I don't even bother watching it anymore, completely written out of my memory now. It was way better when vortex was still around and they had better shows in their lineup. Now its just complete garbage Smh!

    3. Jiraiya's Disciple
  14. hey, welcome Disney movies are my favorite especially Aladdin, kicked so much ass. Anywho you sound like a cool person so hopefully we can get along and become friends. Take care PS. I also have my very own pair of nostalgia goggles as well. Remember Vortex?
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