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About Duromaxim

  • Birthday 07/07/1991

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  1. bought a ps3 for kh3 now it seems ill only get 1.5 and will need to obtain a ps4 4 kh4 :(

    1. Caity


      KH3 will be a good few years off though

    2. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      I think we won't see KH3 for PS3 as Nomura promised... PS3 was just a cold blooded mercenary.

  2. It gave me a Sea otter type one and his level is a gold Star? I have no idea it is bazaar. I noticed somethign was wrong with my keyboard because everytime i go to the spirit tab it is so slow to load up if i have it facing the keyboard so im assuming its trying to load all the keys as AR cards I realized today that it was the sea otter dreameater that you get if you preordered the game. I had never opened the package before so i didnt know this lol
  3. And i went to my spirits to change it and use my ones from the previous game. When all of a sudden my game started to act like i had an AR card in the view. It was using my macbook pro key as a card and i obtained a Dream eater from it! Has anyone had this happen to them before and if so what dream eater did they get?
  4. but he slings it over his shoulder in combat, where as in KH2 they have him point it where he is running and then out of combat he slings it over.
  5. Yes but since KH2 came after KH1 then it would only make sense that he still does it.
  6. I think that axel knew that Isa had either been brainwashed by Xehanort(or started just following his orders) before he became a nobody and slashed him in the face with both of his Chakrams to create X the scar on his face. Anyone have any other theories as to how he got them?
  7. I think the whole yellow eye thing other than having a direct connection to Xehanort means that the heart has more Darkness in it then it does Light. Only thinkg that helps me back this up in my own opinion is how innocent Isa is prior to having a Nort heart put in him. Since Heartless are hearts succumbing to darkness it only seems to make sense they closer you are to filling your heart with complete darkness the more your eyes become yellow.
  8. but he did in the other games =( maybe just KH2 they all get mashed together now a days. Makes me a sad panda
  9. It seemed that they showed vanitas inside someone else though during KH3D i forget who it was it may have been Young Xehanort
  10. Maybe their past isn't relevant and their story never trully began until what we have seen in the games.
  11. I always wondered (and kinda aggrivated though its not a big deal) as to why sora never slung his keyblade over his should when he wasnt in combat.
  12. King Joffrey needs to die...now.

  13. My surround sound speakers stopped being surround sound speakers =(

  14. So would this make Ventus have part of xehanorts heart in him when he is revived? Or will soras heart have helped heal the void from which vanitas broke when they were separated? obviously just speculation no real answers yet
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