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Everything posted by Keyblader_95

  1. "Time flows differently on each world" apart, they are lions mate As I said before, their growth is different from human's
  2. Dude I guess the time of the spoiler alerts is long finished And that's because Sora and Riku traveled back in time in order to access the Realm of Sleep and the events of the parallel sleeping version of the worlds are set in the past
  3. Well maybe when there will be needs to explain things that happened in the past, it's not that much uncommon to include a flashback in a Videogame
  4. You'll understand once you play DDD 1½ is a parallel story and both a prequel and a midquel so it could be included as a flashback and "The Lion King II" is set soon after the first one, since Lions' growth is rather different than human's
  5. Actually this is the first time I hear about this thing that Nomura doesn't want to include sequels, I stick with the fact that it would be a BIG loss and frankly I think this decision doesn't have any sense unless there is a specific explanation
  6. Really? That's too bad though! There are tons of sequels that would fit perfectly in Kingdom Hearts III :
  7. So I was thinking that among others franchises that will be appearing again in Kingdom Hearts III, The Lion King franchise could be one of those. Not to mention that Nomura loves lions so it could be more than possible Anyway, if it will be back, the events that would be included in Kingdom Hearts III are those of "The Lion King II" since we had the events of the first one in Kingdom Hearts II, "The Lion King 1½" and maybe the plotline of "The Lion King Six New Adventures" if reputed canon What you guys think? Sounds good and possible for ya?
  8. This is the second time that my chat bar disappears ç__ç it surely does hate me, huh

  9. What the hell, I haven't been online ONE day and when I come back I find my thread closed cause it has been misinterpreted :\ Geez, was that hard to simply read the text in brackets? It was a joke and I specified it :\

  10. He said: "I think SE will be able to share more in the future, like at E3." .... It was an April Fools, it is SURE we will have news and a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III at E3 ( and after this, you can insult me I didn't had the chance to do an April Fools so I had to remedy in some way, sorry )
  11. Why the hell am I only able to view quotes from the same person that made the thread? I keep seeing people talking with ghosts D:

    1. Keyblader_95


      Kinda confusing indeed.. but it's load of fun to recognize people just by their expression style, that's for sure xD

    2. Shulk
    3. Keyblader_95
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  12. I was listening to "The Price of Freedom".... what a sadness swooped on me :(

    1. Keyblader_95


      "Hey... Would you say I become a hero?" *Manly tears* D': Amber, it's a soundtrack from FFVII Crisis Core :D

    2. Amber Cole

      Amber Cole

      oohhh okay it sounded familiar, but the name wouldn't surface in my mind lol

    3. Keyblader_95


      You should listen to it on youtube,it's a very nice track :D

    4. Show next comments  213 more
  13. Many thanks mate Cool, even though I think there is something to do yet
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