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Everything posted by Keyblader_95

  1. Ti dimentichi che Re:Coded per DS ha subito la stessa sorte per quanto riguarda la localizzazione Italiana So che non è piacevole ma dopotutto non mi lamento, ci sono pur sempre il doppiaggio e i sottotitoli in Inglese (che è la mia lingua preferita bè più che altro l'Inglese Americano )
  2. I'm kinda positive you said you're Italian though ._."
  3. Bè KH 3D non è l'unico a non essere stato localizzato in Italiano e altri paesi hanno condiviso con noi la mancanza della localizzazione
  4. Ma sono veri quei capelli o è una parrucca? D:
  5. Detto così sembra quasi che ce lo meritiamo a malapena, quando in realtà in Kingdom Hearts ci sono molti fattori Italiani quali titoli di soundtracks ed il testo di Destati
  6. Non preoccuparti.. Comunque non ci siamo solo io e te di italiani!
  7. Ciao e benvenuto in KH13 Non preoccuparti degli errori grammaticali, fidati: c'è moooolto di peggio Ti troverai bene di sicuro, sentiti libero di aggiungermi tra gli amici o di scrivermi se vuoi parlare un pò o sei hai bisogno di qualcosa
  8. Don't you think Riku knows his best friend Birthday? Riku asked him "why are you having a tea party?" so I don't think it was Sora's Birthday
  9. HOLY **** I've only found Pages on her! But I'm expecting a lot of "fake profiles" of fans who used her name, how do I get the official one?EDIT: Well it has been easier than expected, nvm THANKS A LOT MATE :'D
  10. It comforts me :'D Cause he's the organization XIII Sex Symbol, as well as he's the leader
  11. So I was bored while the KH13.com server was down.. that's what boredom does *oh god, why*
  12. The E3 Day 2 Live has been uploaded as a full video now and, for all Music lovers who missed the event, Yoko Shimomura's at Square Enix Presents video is now available! You wouldn't believe me if I say that I cried ;_; you can experience strong feelings through the interview and especially through the live performances: Hiroyuki Nakayama has performed "Hand in Hand", "The Other Promise" and the 4 hands version of "Dearly Beloved" with Yoko Shimomura! I suggest you check that out, even if you already assisted live yesterday And plus, I have a question: do someone know how to contact Yoko Shimomura? I really want to write her a letter or an e-mail, I want to thank her for the unparalleled feelings I experience throught her Music.. she's what inspire my own Compositions, if I love Music this much, is thanks to her! Thanks in advance for replying here's the video (Yoko Shimomura's part starts at 2:16:38)
  13. Was KH13.com server down for everyone else too?

    1. Sora96


      DChiuch just explained why in a status.

    2. Keyblader_95


      Yea I've just seen it, we practically posted the status at the same time

  14. Day 2 is closing, we're almost there! This is the first time I see Yoko Shimomura playing the Piano for more than 5 seconds!
  15. I wouldn't call that "only"! Thanks for the infos, I'm totally going to check that out as the day 2 live ends
  16. I would like to know what happened during the event, you know, Yoko Shimomura is really rare to be seen in footage and interviews are scarce too..
  17. Well..hum..that's like the first thing I did, there's nothing in there.
  18. Actually I just put the first thing that came in my mind as a title. I understand it sounds misleading and I'm sorry for that but, really, I didn't wanted to be misleading Anyway thanks for the info, do you know if there are some more infos somewhere?
  19. Unfortunately I'm losing almost all the E3 because I'm busy, can someone please tell me about Yoko Shimomura? Is there somewhere a video of the event? What happened during the event? PLEASE GIVE ME INFOS ;_;
  20. Sounds a little bit complicated for my brain at 3 AM
  21. What I wanted to understand is why Reddit's icon pops up in THAT certain circumstance Does it work this way with you too? (the "click while loading-throws you directly in the general page-Reddit's logo pops up" thing )
  22. I knew the symbol but I couldn't remember it was Reddit's Anyway, why does it shows in this circumstance?
  23. I've noticed this weird thing: when I click on the profile drop-down menù or notifications drop-down menù while the page is still loading, the site directly throws me to my profile or User CP Saved Notifications page.. and yet most weird, the loaded page has a weird icon instead of the usual KH13 blue square with the white crown.. Is that normal? I'll show you what I mean:
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