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Everything posted by Keyblader_95

  1. Good old Jack Frost is always in first line,isn't he? Ventus will be the next after Xion (that will be posted tomorrow), today I have two more Winged Heroes to show but I'd like to let you guys choose which one will be posted first Don't mention it! Glad you liked the pic, dude
  2. Actually this "Winged saga" is for Kingdom Hearts characters.. but I guess I could work on Final Fantasy characters as well
  3. I promise Xion will be the next (tomorrow) after two other Heroes that I will post today If you want to be the one choosing the next Winged Hero to be posted, just choose number 1 or number 4 Every image that I make have a connection with the represented Hero
  4. Winged Kairi was chosen to be the next Winged Hero, casually, by DaxtotheMax! So there you go, hope you like it guys!
  5. I have three new Winged Heroes to share with you, which one should be posted for first? Choose a number: 11 - 1 or 4? Come on guys :D

    1. Keyblader_95


      So 11 will be next, I'm going to post the image :D I'll quote you in the title, DaxtotheMax :D

    2. DaxtotheMax
    3. Keyblader_95


      You're welcome xD The thread is now opened, check it out! :D

    4. Show next comments  198 more
  6. Hey guys, I'm working on my signature.. *shame on me* how to insert a gif from the computer instead of using URL links? :\

    1. Jilly Shears

      Jilly Shears

      Just use an image hosting website like imgur or something.

    2. Keyblader_95


      Oh right, thanks xD

  7. Oh my god guys,look what I've found! A picture of me when I was veeeery little,getting ready for halloween!
  8. Looks like Terra was chosen to be the next Winged hero.. so be it! Upon Zeldablade7 request, here is Winged Terra Hope you like it
  9. Was it a car or a cat I saw? Well try to read that sentence backward

    1. Keyblader_95


      *The only MEANINGFUL sentence in english language without involving pokemons

    2. Shulk


      Pokemon is very meaningful, though. :P

    3. Keyblader_95


      Fair enough ._.

    4. Show next comments  198 more
  10. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/73514-winged-roxas-upon-jack-frost-request/
  11. It's kinda a cool idea actually remember me that I have to work on it do you like the Winged Roxas I created anyway?
  12. Winged Sora, Black-Winged Riku.. and now, upon Jack Frost request, it's time for Roxas to get his rightful wings! Hope you like it guys
  13. Oh man, I'm sorry but I've made it already : never mind, I could make the skeletal one as well I'm going to post the picture right now, check it out!
  14. He'll be next Thanks mate, I will! As Jack Frost suggested, Roxas will be next
  15. After Angel Sora.. I just couldn't help it, to make Demon Riku as well Hope you like it!
  16. I was bored and suddenly decided to make a new profile picture for KH13, and this is what I came up with Hope you like it!
  17. Haven't you heard it yet? Let me fix :Dhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS0T8Cd4UhA
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