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Everything posted by Dagger

  1. Which game/generation do you think was the weakest aka most boring (story) to you? That would be the 3rd Generation, It just never captured my interest unlike the other 5 generations. Which Pokémon/humans have the ugliest designs? Garbador and Feebas Which telephone clone thingie was the most stupid? The one in Gen 3, I never really used the thing.
  2. Oooh VII is awesome :DDD I do love all the characters in it, expecially Cloud :33

    1. aquaguardian


      I know! My favorite is RedXIII! But I like Cloud and Tifa as well.

  3. Thanks so much! Thanks! What about my user name :333 Not a fan of FFIX? Yeah Steiner is awesome, expecially when he sees Garnet escaping from the castle after she jumps from the tower. It's that face that sealed it for me
  4. D'aww thank-you very much =D Yeah, it's my favourite by far of all the Final Fantasy games. Such a great story.
  5. Hmm, both but if I had to choose one, I'd go with the ice cream. Proberly would taste better.
  6. Hey, I'm Dagger. I just decided to join when I found this forum on google and because I'm quite a KH fan. I also like Final Fantasy and other stuff too, thats about it from the top of my head.
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