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Everything posted by X-Blade_Wielder

  1. Thanks to Lynn the tree took most of the damage "Thanks" a serious expression came upon her face "If you wanna play dirty then fine... We can play dirty aswell" Kiru stood up brushing herself off like no problem... she began walking back to the battlefield clearing her throat, she looked to her right just then you could see another one of her appear beside taking a shadowy figure form, she looked over at her left then a light figure appeared "Hahaha! this'll be fun" DarKiru charged up a dark beam aiming it at Four trying to get a clear shot While she was doing that LightKiru helped Tamara out, she ran at Zion at the speed of light dodging the trees, that Lynn put up, attacking her countless of times making herself a spear of light going straight threw Zion making her fall down to the ground, but that probably wouldn't stop her though. Kiru on the other hand let LightKiru and DarKiru tend to those two while she got a clear view of both battles between Soka, Axuqa and Ray, LK Tamara and Zion, DK and Four "I just hope we win this battle" Kiru thought to herself still watching "Guess I should go down and help Axuqa" she was heading down towards them DarKiru's beam was good and ready and her aim was clear "HAHAHAHAHAH!!!" She then released the beam of darkness hitting Four directly.
  2. Name: Tess Age: 16 Gender: Female Profession: Warrior Appearance: She has black hair that goes down to her back, bright gold eyes, black skinny jeans, red shirt, a pair of Jordans, a black and red jacket, she's around 5'7, and has tanned skin Weapon: Sword Bio: She's bipolar, most of the time she acts all happy-go-lucy, the next she's harsh and violent. Her mom and dad thought it best if she had left, her sister didn't want her to leave so she followed. Reason for joining the SWTS: Being sent off, Tess and her sister found out about the SWTS and joined
  3. Kiru looked over at where Lynn was pointing "Alright, don't worry she'll be okay" she looked down at Lynn giving her a smile then flowmotioned over to the battle Kiru stood up by Tamara "Lynn wanted me to help you out" she said as she then looked over at the enemies Zion and Four "Alright, If you wanna fight her then you'll have to fight me to!" she pulled out her Keyblades then charged at them with full speed shooting out dark poisonous arrows at Four hitting him. Kiru then cloaked herself in darkness making her way to Four attacking multiple times with unbelivable speed
  4. "Okay" Kiru had walked over at where Lynn and them were so she wouldn't get in the way of the battle "I know he better live" Kiru looked over at Lynn "Hey!" she waved at her then continued to watch the battle making sure everything was alright
  5. "Yea, it would be nice to meet other people that can see us" that sentence sounded abit wierd, never in her lifetime would she had ever thought about who couldn't and who could see her. I started thinking about after these six days were up... What would happen then? Would we be stuck like this forever or would live again? I shook my head again not really wanting these thoughts in her head but they just kept popping up, sighing I got up from squatting down and stretched "So what you wanna talk about now?" I asked letting her choose the topic of her choice.
  6. Kiru nodded looking at Ray "Alright, I will" She stayed prepared if anything happens to Ray, she looked over at Soka "This Soka dude looks like a toughy"
  7. KH13, Vid Games, Anime, Sleep... Thats about it that im doing for my Summer oh and go back to FLORIDA! Again cuz I went there for my spring break so I need to find more stuff to do thought cuz like after the first week it starts to get boring *Sigh*
  8. I shook my head "Don't apologize... I was the one acting up" I just shrugged looking at her "But its alright though" I nudged at her shoulder then put on a grin putting my hand behind my head "Soo what now? Just wait?" I squatted down to the ground
  9. Okay i'll post when I figure out what to do
  10. If Yuffie doesn't post soon then what are you gonna do? Maybe you and Axel can figure something out about it I can't wait till these tests are over and these three more weeks of school are up then I can be on here anytime!
  11. (Okie Dokie!) I looked over at Hikari that sounded quite happy "Yea, we got threw this day but Im not sure if the rest maybe starting at the third day are gonna be so easy" I crossed my arms making a small smile "But Im happy that we did make it though" I was relieved that I didn't have to worry about getting erased! I looked around "I wonder if any of the other teams are headed here as we speak"
  12. But what about my character is in Fire Emblem or whatever? because he said don't bring Fire Emblem into this And I will hide! Make sure he doesn't find me though
  13. I looked at the timer on my hand "Hurry up! We already wasted time with those noises" We we're close to 104 with a couple minutes to spare "We're almost there"
  14. Okay i'll change it and I don't know what Fire Emblem is
  15. Kiru had a feeling that one of her comrades had made it here, since two of them are gone that only leaves Ray and Misha, she looked around and spotted him and smiled "Oh goddness at least your alive!" Kiru had ran up and gave him a hug, she was happy that one of her comrades were here with her and still living, because Misha was still back at Hollow Bastion doing whatever. The darkness was still disappearing from when DS came and left "What took you so long though?"
  16. Kiru looked over at Lynn jumping up and down then at Rick seeing dark aura flowing out of him then Axuqa attacking him "Ugh, will this ever end?" She shook her head then said to herself "You can have your body back now... It isnt fun anymore" With that DS then changed back into Kiru not knowing much about whats happened since she had change at the training grounds, Kiru looked around finding herself in the Keyblade Graveyard "How did I get here?" She then saw Axuqa fighting Rick, guessing she'll jump in if he comes after her and if the girl gets injured or whatever.
  17. I have questions cuz im abit confused... What division is Misha in? Are Division 2 and 5 dead? Are there just 2 people in division 1 now?
  18. Name: Selphie Tategami Age: 15 Gender: Female Profession: Tactician Appearance: http://i1051.photobucket.com/albums/s438/ZoraXIII/65779copy.png Weapon: Magic Bio: Her mom and dad were sending her older sister Tess away to who knows where, not wanting to be alone she followed her. Reason for joining the SWTS: Learn how to use her magic and because her sister is going
  19. Kiru winced when the light came in contact with her, she breathed heavily regaining her position "I wonder if she thinks she scares me?" She looked over at Rick after Axuqa cast the spell on him then pointed her keyblade at Axuqa and glared at her "Who are you?" she said sternly
  20. Rick's attack made her angerier than she already was, she got up stumbling a few times watching Axuqa run towards her. "Get away from me I don't need your help!" Kiru's darkside dropped to her knees holding her head "No no not yet, im not ready to go back in!" Kiru was trying to take back control now, DS started swinging her keyblade frantically in any direction landing a hit on Axuqa.
  21. Kiru watched as Saix shattered and Soka and Rick were running to attack her, she balled up her fist putting her head down "Your gonna make me fight then..." her eyes turned gold as she quickly looked up jumping out of the way of the two guys, They killed your friend, kill them then... That tempting voice had came back telling her what she didn't usually want to do but this time she wanted revenge, the darkness started seeping threw her skin forming around her, Kiru charged at Rick slashing the keyblade at him but she knew that wouldn't keep him down. Your holding back... The more she thought about her comrade dying the more darkness came, the only thing you could see on her body was her gold eyes and her dark skin almost completely black. This means her other side was almost out... She couldn't control it anymore a huge wave of darkness spreaded from here threw the town, you couldn't see anything but darkness before it faded away. Kiru just stayed there crouching looking at Soka and Rick "Which one should I destroy first?" she gazed at both of them then pointed at Rick "I guess its you then" Kiru then picked up her Keyblade running at Rick disappeared then reappeared behind him slashing downwards at his back then kicked him into the building wall, she sent a small dark bomb towards Rick causing a huge explosion, while the smoke started to clear up she was walking towards him picking him onto the wall by his collar and repeatedly jabbed him in the stomach with her Keyblade then let him fall to the ground. Kiru turned around to Soka...
  22. Name: KayKay or "X" or "Kay" Age: 15 Gender: Female Physical Appearance: http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr229/Jc983/anime%20chars/kota18.jpg Her eyes are bright gold and her hair is brown with black in random places Hopes for the week: Just have fun, hang out, relax, and not to worry about Vanitas taking over because she hopes its just gonna be a calm vacation
  23. "You ask so many questions... Do you ever shut up?" I rolled my eyes "And YOU have never seen them until you died, not me... but enough with the questions I don't wanna tell my life story to someone who obvisouly has a problem with me" I glared at her "And someone that I have a problem with aswell" I turned away from her then ran in the direction of the 104 shaking my head "I don't have time to play around with childish acting people!!!"
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