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Everything posted by XxCobaltxX

  1. Hey everybody, name's Cobalt. I used to forum on kh13 back in the day....like waayyy back in the day, 2013 I think. Regardless I'm back to start meeting the new faces of kh13 and hopefully get some KH wheels ah-spinning. I've already bumped into some old co-horts and it warms me up on the inside thinking of the fond foruming memories we created. But that's not the topic of this thread, I'm excited to meet some new faces to create some new memories with.
  2. At the end of the day, a man is characterized, by his actions! You can be whoever you want to be
  3. Thanks everybody for the suggestions I'm still on this search, please ask some ps3 gamers that you know, try an help this thread, and if you guys think of something....well it's not like the threads going anywhere, so yeah thanks
  4. I'm alright with medieval but my friend Ian hates it, we all agree on a Pseudo MMO kinda like skyrim and Borderlands
  5. think of along the lines of like, SAO too
  6. I love LBP its practically what i'm looking for but i require RPG fighting style, with swords and magic and stoof!
  7. too new, I'm trying to keep this below $25 because we have a party coming up soon, where I'd be able to showcase the game if i did find one
  8. Good Evening, ladies and gentlemen of KH13, How are you doing? I'm in need of some assistance. I'm in a group of friends, there's four of us, perfect for playing video games on consoles. We enjoy games like smash bros, play station all stars, and borderlands. Now I'm looking for a game to take the cake. I'm going to describe this perfect game, so this will go at lot faster. I want a game on the PS3, that's allows local gaming, that has the vast weaponry choices like borderlands, complete and total customization of your character, and a very eye appealing game (somewhat "Cute" and like the game "Fantasy Life") Now to whoever can find a game that satisfies these requirements and my fancy, receives; my thanks, gratitude and my approval
  9. Welcome to KH13, You're quickly going to realize that you chose the best KH forum out there, this one's to you AV
  10. 7- I did the math, the front is 9 and the back is a 5 so I averaged it and got 7, but for 1.5 the back was a ten and the front was a nine, coming to 9.5 resulting in a ten by rounding upwards
  11. my god, it doesn't kinda look like her....its an exact cartoonic representation of her
  12. personally idk why but i love the concept of being able to play as Shen Yu from mulan
  13. I've tried to convert my friends....so much, but the ones who'd actually give it a shot, don't have a ps3 #The(13)Struggle
  14. I just wanted to see if KH13 had any "school" spirit, but cool info though, season 3 is in the works, because their IndieGoGo campaign ended, so yeah I'm totally pumped don't know bout y'alls
  15. If KH13 had an intstgram page, that'd be pretty nice, I mean idk if we already do.... But that be nice *Opens Intsagram*
  16. what kinda student would I be if I didn't
  17. Well guys junior year starts in a couple hours for me, so yeah I'm just formally and officially burying this thing called a "Social life" that I'm no longer going to have. Good luck with school tomorrow or...whenever it starts for you I guess, Night -Joel
  18. I consider myself a pretty religious turtles fan, and then when I heard Michael bay was taking the wheels, I had nightmares for days (no joke) and decided to shun the 2014 movie out my life, but then I saw this trailer that displayed the new shredder..... I'm going to see in a few days. They got an outstanding reception for this movie and there already thinking bout a sequel, can they be that bad?
  19. I'm literally taking about 3-4 ap classes per semester this year so I'm definitely for to find a school that accepts APCs
  20. that was so beautiful, it almost brought tears to my eyes, I hope when I grow that I don't forget to dedicate time
  21. I'm starting junior year of high school, so I don't think I'm much help, lol but question, did you mean to say that some schools don't except ap credits? Cause I'm taking and have taken a ton of ap classes, did I just waste time?
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