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About jewels_angels_in_flight

  • Birthday 12/19/1998

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  1. I think it was cause they didn't wanna go over 3 hours but it would of been cool to see these cutscenes: Roxas's first missions with each organization member, instead of just text. When roxas was leaving the organization, His confront with Saïx, I just thought that was important Xion battle, at least showing her turn her into it, and see roxas fall from the sky like they did in the DS version. Feel free to add which scenes you would of liked to see
  2. It wasn't an actual conference, but they were showing the end credits for KH2 and BBS in HD and they were just talking about, of course it was in Japanese. But you could kind of understand what they were saying. They said words like Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD reMIX, Recoded, KH2, and BBS. Also in the video description it sort of explained what they were saying :P if you still want me to send you the link, I will

    1. DChiuch


      It sounds like this is a fan video, rather than a Square Enix one. But go ahead, send the link and I'll see.

  3. I saw something on Youtube the other day. It was a some- what like conference with square enix. They said Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD reMIX will include KH2, Birth By Sleep, and Re:Coded. IM SO HAPPY cause BBS is my favorite game through the series, but im really hoping they will put Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix instead of just KH2, cause i would love to see the Lingering Terra spirit in English! xD

    1. Obi-wan


      The Will would be murder to beat. Critical would give me a heartattack. Again. Worth it though for those HD and the bonus scenes can be earned if you do a little something without having to beat Terranort on Critical.

    2. DChiuch


      Was it actually a conference with Square Enix? Link?

  4. It was great! But i'm really hoping they fix the lip sincing, because it's very off, especially in the 358/2 days cutscenes
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