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Limit Sora

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Everything posted by Limit Sora

  1. Everyone can be easy if you level up a lot, unless you're fighting tha data of the org. then you need a good strategy. Anyway the most difficult for me was data axel.
  2. Mmh... don't you think SE would like to take a break from the series for a while? I mean, put a secret boss would mean lay the foundation for a new saga and we know SE, they're slower than a slug and I think they would prefer to work without any pressure, as it's happening now.
  3. I did, but the funny thing is that I started to play KH series thanks to an advertisement of CoM . Anyway to tell the truth I had the possibility to play it with a friend (he had the GBA) after finishing KH I, so maybe it's not completely correct to say that I did skip it.
  4. I don't know. KH 3 final mix would mean a secret boss probably, so a new enemy and I'm not sure SE will be ready to announce a new KH straight away after the 3.
  5. Mmh... probably sephiroth (I still have to play Final mix), but just because I was underleveled. After a while he becomes the easiest and fastest way to level up .
  6. The first time I lost, but the second I won with slight difficulty, since he was just at leve 3 or 4 maybe. Anyway Sora gave Squall a very hard time even though he had just received the keyblade .
  7. Maybe the nobody, I don't know. Actually I didn't have any serious problem apart from some exceptions (data Org. XIII)
  8. nice to meet you all
  9. Thank you everyone ^^
  10. I think it's time to finish with xehanort, once and for all, so my answer is no. Plus I don't wanna buy another console just for 2-3 games.
  11. Limit Sora


    yo guys, I'm Limit Sora (alias Jonni) and I'm from Italy (but now I live in London). Since I love KH, above all the second, I decided to join you . Hope to have a good time here .
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