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Everything posted by waffle

  1. dude holy shit I think I found another person who loves hating xion as much I do *high five*
  2. gosh why cant people just accept that xion sucks, I mean come on why do you think you are supposed to kill her? They should have made her a more presentable side character like zack....
  3. 5 electrodes and a kyogre is literly unstoppable, my friends banned me from using it on them because its impossible for them to win
  4. Electrode, because he can self destruct
  5. I have prepared a nifty checklist for everyone. chances are you like like xion if you are a -nintendo fanboy -angst y teenage girl -played days first -never played the real kh chances are you have a cool fav character if you -use logic and observations in order to make decisions (lol jk that was hash , im not that mean lululuu) but srsly I dont like her.
  6. Her importance has already been milked a lot, she appeared in 3d for no reason whatsoever, they have no reason for her to be in kh3 and after that the current series is done.
  7. pssst wanna hear a secret? shes never going to be in another game again, she is done in the series >:^D
  8. I really dont get why people love xion so much, her character sucks and the only people who like her are angsty fangirls who probably have never even owned a PlayStation.
  9. I dont do any work on weekends even if I have it.
  10. This is a series made by Machinima respawn(now MachinimaTeamRespawn) that is really funny as long as you more mature person with a nasty sense of humor, chances are you will not like this if you are a girl. also be warned it has a lot of obscenities in it and is not for the faint of heart, its is 'R' rated and I would put it in spoilers but I cant figure out why....
  11. ps3 and psp games are compatible, so it would be easier for them to just upgrade the resolution then make cutscenes, especially since they dont have to much with the aspect ratio.
  12. If your talking about computer and internet restrictions I believe you can bypass those in either msconfig or the directory
  13. If cod and fingernails are whats popular then why dont you just try cod and fingernails..... it cant be that bad, I like kingdom hearts and violent shooters alike so why dont you try out there stuff and have them try out yours.....
  14. I think the 1.5 cover art is pretty ugly, I would prefer a cover art more like the original NA cover but without the CG characters
  15. watch Code Geass its way better than death note
  16. I was glad she died, useless characters best stay to one game only. hope she never comes back
  17. the durango is going to fail miserably because online drm never works and the sales will plummet after launch. I will probably avoid the ps4 until a slim version comes out, looks like its pc and ps3 until then.
  18. spyro the dragon and crash team racing
  19. Those are all great games on the ps3, but I think some people here are missing the point. This is just a suggestion of cheap titles to add to a new system. if they went out and got all the best triple A titles, it would probably cost them more than the system itself....
  20. I know a whole bunch of people probably just picked up a ps3 because of 1.5 and its makes me sad to think that a lot of you wont put it to much use and will only have 1 or 2 games on it. but here's a way to avoid that ....most new ps3 super slims come with a subscription to playstation plus which means that all of you should take advantage of the summer and spring sales coming up. You could probably build up quite a collection of games for as low as $30. my recommendations to get during the sale are: metal gear solid 2 and/or 3 Tokyo jungle Bioshock 2 castle crashers metal slug these games were all on sale during the winter, fall and last years summer sale so I predict that they will be again.
  21. I play on ps3 and karkand is the only dlc that I have too because i pre-ordered. I'm just waiting to get the other map packs till summer since I might switch to pc
  22. I cant play it till next month bc of monetary problems, but it looks just plain awesome. I found this clip(<----click link) of the new bikes and they look just sooo sick.
  23. On beginner mode you shouldn't even have a problem getting the speedster trophy, just don't waist time in olympus or 100 acre wood, its takes an hour at the most to clear each world so you should have 5 hours left over....
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