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Posts posted by Nero

  1. I think it's a little depressing that games these days have to resort to blood and violence and gore to reach an audience instead of gameplay. Not that blood and gore isn't necessary for the story aspect of the games.


    Like, Dead Space. Tons of blood and gore, but it's part of the mood and feel of the game. To be weirded out and placed in this abhorrent setting. But it was all part of the story for it. But gore just to make it rated M for Mature as a selling point just won't make a game any better.

  2. It isn't necessarily a deal breaker but I'm not buying a system specifically for this feature. I mean, If games, like Destiny for example, can pull off this type of feature in gameplay, then good. Great. I would love to see more games like that. But to not have the option to play single player games without a necessary internet connection is a really stupid move. I have little hope for this next generation of consoles, Wii U included.

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