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Lance Rajon

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About Lance Rajon

  • Birthday 12/23/1993

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  • Member Title
    Defender of the light
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  1. Maybe it's just not on it yet right? i find it weird that as you said all of the other Square games are on the store but not this one.
  2. Great theory, love it. Just received my copy of 2.5 and I noticed this unicorn statue in the study so I had to look into it, and man I hope this theory is not just a theory, I love the TWTN mansion, there's got to be more than we know about it!
  3. "That Journal they used to record their trip might have a connection with the Tome of Prophecy that supposedly existed in the past." Jiminy Cricket is the Six Followers' Master. I'm sure of it!!
  4. Looks fun, all the characters seem pretty interesting and different! Thumbs up for that Pixar Tribute, the feels!
  5. Cool thanks. Nothing major apparently then, still nice though!
  6. Sweet, anyone nice enough to translate this? I'll buy em a sea salt ice cream!
  7. Just made a topic about it: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/80151-kh-recoded-new-maleficent-scene/ hope I got the right cutscene.
  8. Okay so I think i found that new scene we're all looking for if I'm not mistaken. From what we heard and what was written here: http://i.imgur.com/0euH8fG.jpg there was a new scene with Maleficent talking about the prophecy. Now go look at 2:07:50 in this stream: http://www.twitch.tv/zexas/b/574140046 If I'm comparing the images right, then this should be the scene, I've looked through a lot of the whole movie and it looks like its the one, anyone able to translate that scene so that we can confirm it?
  9. Didn't you hear? the whole movie is like this! Roxas talking to sora in a plain voice, worth the wait right?
  10. Some people stared streaming 2.5 on twitch, they're mainly playing KH2 but this one is playing ReCoded, he's at the end though I believe: http://www.twitch.tv/zexas
  11. Wow all those theories about KH Chi are sooooo interesting and also so believable, that's insane!! Don't think Axel would turn out to be evil though, I mean if you look at it the only thing he ever wanted was to be with Roxas right, and Roxas is simply put Sora so I'm having a hard time believing he would betray anyone... And that would be really cliché right?
  12. Hey guys, I received the game yesterday but i was unable to find how to change to voices to English for final mix. I remember pretty clearly that a couple months ago, they said that you could change the voices from japanese to English on Final mix. Has anyone been able to do so?
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