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About HeartlessOfLight

  • Birthday 10/07/1995

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  1. A public demo would certainly be great. To say that I've been itching to play 2.8 would be a massive understatement. 0.2 more so than 3DHD, but tbh I'd be happy with whatever the demo entails, should it be true and released to the public. I eagerly await confirmation on the validity of this demo's existence. In simpler terms: GIVE ME A DEMO PLEASE, MY SQUARE OVERLORDS
  2. Welp. Looks like I might become more active here. My old go-to fansite has gone so downhill it's hit the earth's core.

    1. KairiKeybasH


      What Website?

    2. HeartlessOfLight


      I don't think it's right of me to say what site it is. A random not-so-nice person could see that I stated the name and go to harass the good people that are still active in that site's community. I don't wanna be responsible for letting that happen. Granted, such a person would probably just get banned for doing that but still. Better safe than sorry and all that jazz.

  3. That is one mighty fine lookin' Disc. I hope they keep the same design for the rest of the releases, which I'd assume they would. Soooooo tempted to look at dem trophies...But I will restrain myself.
  4. More welcomes! Thank you all so much- ...Have you been stalking me, good sir?
  5. Thanks for the welcomes, everyone. I appreciate it. c:
  6. Greetings, one and all. Name's HeartlessOfLight, but Heartless is shorter so you can be lazy and call me that if you want. After taking a look at your swell site I thought I'd join up myself. I like video games, anime (mainly Mecha anime), all that good stuff. I also like to RP as well. Well, I've run out of things to say already, so I guess I'll just end it here. I look forward to having a good time here. c:
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