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Everything posted by ViRoxLover

  1. welcome neoroxas!I know i 'm talking with you very easy!Im a huge fan of Roxas too(take a look in my title)
  2. LEGO Harry Potter(both two) Rumble Roses, Ratchet and Clank Future:A Crack in Time Infamous 2 Glee Karaoke Revolution(both two I have)
  3. KH II,obviously!the story and the characters are so great and it is the longest game.After this BBS(although I have not played because I do not have a PSP)
  4. I want to see Toy Story,tangled,Wreck-it Ralph,Brave and Monsters University
  5. Would you like to see Marluxia,Larxene and Luxord's original personas in KH III?
  6. I'm away from the forum because of my high school exams. untill next week's thursday.But I'll come back!
  7. I don't know.I think they are a gift of a clown,Prince Sky Heart!just kidding!
  8. what is the origin of sora's necklace?Do you know the answer?
  9. Lux ord means "light century" in Latin(If the word are translated separately)
  10. How cai I made a kewblade and sora's necklace? can
  11. I liked your ideas,eternal reckoning and isamu_kuno.We coulf mix your ideas and make a fusion system. could
  12. Would you like about a new drive form called windster and its color is dark green(powers of wind and increased speed)in KH III?
  13. Would you like about a new drive form called windster and its color is dark green(powers of wind and increased speed)in KH III?
  14. thanks for themeaning.I've searched Riku but I didn't find anywhere And Luxord could have anything about light in his origin,because of the meaning of Lux in Latin.
  15. I was confused because I have played KH II before KH I
  16. xaldin,demyx,xemnas,twlight thorn and axel
  17. I agree with KH HD 2,5,a playable version of Days and DDD,KH III and so long,but NO MORE Final MixES. Please!
  18. I will invite him to a coffee and talk a lot
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