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Allen Pirard

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    The Almighty Blarrrgh!
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  1. But what if your family are your friends? and your friends are your family? :wacko: so confusing.
  2. Its always been my understanding that Max was an older version of 'Junior' from the old Goofy cartoons Rather then just being created for the 'Goof Troop' cartoon. But i could be wrong,
  3. I'll admit I was somewhat in shock. I remember thinking "wait.. did Goofy really... no.. wait.. huh?!" *confused face* then i transitioned into the anger portion of the grieving process. Then Goofy was alive again I was like "wait tick... I got wrenched in the childhood for this?"
  4. Very much so yes.. I'd be very interested in seeing him as a guard or something in Disney Castle.
  5. I think it would be interesting for them to butt heads but It definitely cannot be forced, you know, like if they butt heads its because they cant agree on trying to save Aqua or doing something else first.
  6. Terra FFVI and Lock FFVI or in place of yet another Sephiroth battle.. a 2 part Kefka fight where you fight kefka normally then in his godly form for lulz.
  7. Ok while I see what your getting at there at the least. However just because she's a PoH doesnt mean she doesn't WANT to fight. I mean in KH II She's shown pretty much as being tired of having to the cliche damsel in distress, and seeing as SKR and TAV sorta parallel each other it would make sense that Kairi would become a key wielder.
  8. Quoting because you said everything i would have wanted to say but better ^_^
  9. As far as i can tell. The only way that I can figure sora dual wielding outside of drives/cutscenes is if he were to somehow be destined for more then one keyblade I.E. a keyblade from the R.O.D.
  10. Didn't Sora dual weild in a qte at the end of KH2 by borrowing Riku's?
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