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  1. Haha. Yeah, that is why I put it under "Random" and not "Personal". People take life too seriously. Life can be fun and games, too. Not everything is black and white. I dunno. Maybe you should check other dictionaries.
  2. I have Wacom Bamboo Pen and they're great! I think whatever tablet you get, you need to get used to using it. It's not like drawing on paper. I remember when I first got one, I had trouble making the strokes I wanted. Yeah, I like Wacom. I haven't really use other brands to critque them.
  3. A tunnel of light with lots of pretty, frilly colors.
  4. For those of you who been wondering what is the meaning of life...here it is!Life (noun)1.the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.2.the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, especially metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment.3.the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual: to risk one's life; a short life and a merry one.4.a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul: eternal life.5.the general or universal condition of human existence: Too bad, but life is like that.from dictionary.com
  5. I think anime with 100+ episodes should end already.
  6. What scene is this from again? I don't think I remember.
  7. They did say that it'll be release during the Summer. So it's probably going to be between June and August.
  8. Is there a chat room? Never mind, I found it.
  9. Haha, no vote for Kairi. Poor her. I personally like Xion.
  10. Mine is http://necropumpkin.deviantart.com/ You guys are welcome to add me. It's nice to have somebody to draw with or chat.
  11. People need to be educated. Too many uneducated people on this subject. People have been violent throughout history and before video games even existed. Look at the American Civil War, the French Revolutions, and the Dark Ages. Video game is just a scapegoat. An excuse for political power and fear propaganda. I honestly don't agree parents should take violent video games altogether from their children. If Kingdom Hearts was taken from me when I was a child, because my parent/guardian disagree with violent video games...I would be sad. People are closed minded and are easily to frighten. I think rather than taking video games from everyone because some idiot did something stupid, maybe we should seek him counseling? Have anyone ever thought of that? Counseling? And maybe give his/her parents some counseling too for having their kid be messed up in the first place. "Violent video games is evil" idea is awesome and its not going to pass. Just like SOPA, ACTA, and PIPA. People are not going to let their rights and freedom taken from them.
  12. Weiss is cute. I like the White trailer better than the Red, personally.
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