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About Tehponycorn

  • Birthday January 22

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    Yeah, I'm a brony. Deal with it.
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  1. Tehponycorn


    Well, if you had the guts to tell the internet, you should have the guts to tell her. Like everyone else, I'm gonna be blunt. You have to apologize to her. You have to. At least make things right with her. Go up to her and say "Hey, I've acted like a total jerk to you, and I'm really sorry. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met and I would love the chance to go out with you." Or something along those lines. You only have one chance. Don't let Richard win!
  2. One thing's for sure. I'm buying this for sure! Birth by Sleep and KH2 Final Mix HD with Trophies and Re:Coded?! You can be sure I'm buying this!
  3. I have no clue. I think it's fan art. I just googled Kingdom Hearts MMO in google images and this came up.
  4. When I think of a Kingdom Hearts Online game, I want something epic like World of Warcraft with PvP a ton of worlds, epic graphics, a huge story, the Keyblade Wars! Instead, we got this. Doesn't look bad, but I just wanted something more. I wanted a big immersive experience similar to World of Warcraft or the Star Wars MMO with a ton of cool attacks and clans and classes and crap like that. Anybody else disappointed a bit? Or is it just me?
  5. Umm...cool beans. Where's Terra? I ship Aqua x Terra.
  6. I think a stunt show would be cool. I'd like that. I don't think Kingdom Hearts warrants a ride though, only thing I could come up with is a gummi ship ride.
  7. Oh, is it the Kingdom Hearts for PC browsers game? Oh, okay, I didn't know they changed the name. Thanks!
  8. What is it? Is it a rumored game? or is it a future installment? What is it?
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