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About Shelbell72

  • Birthday 12/23/1999

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  1. Welcome to KH13.com. You shall never leave. Your Profile picture ^w^ It is so cute ^w^

  2. Lenka stood up to introduce herself. "Well, introductions make me nervous," she said as she started to laugh. "I like messing around with computers and meeting new people." She sat down, hoping she would make new friends soon.
  3. As I walked up to my new school, I suddenly realized no one was outside. "Oh no, oh no, I'm late," I thought. I didn't know where to go. As I was walking down the hall, I heard people introducing themselves. "That's where I need to go," I told myself. I quietly opened the door and picked a seat in the back.
  4. Name: Lenka Itsumara Gender: female Personality: nerdy, friendly, smart Appearance: straight light brown hair down to middle of back, blue eyes, average height Birthday: October 23 Club: computer club Best School Ever
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