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Norma Jean

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Everything posted by Norma Jean

  1. Am I the only one who think that hating a character is stupid? Why can't we just put the hate aside and enjoy the game?
  2. Oh my gosh... I hate it when people argue over a fictional character -_- Seriously, is it really necessary?
  3. Final battles music are always epic in Kingdom Hearts
  4. Who the hell is voicing Xion?! That's definitely not Alyson and neither Hayden. I'm disappointed
  5. I don't think they'll remaster 3D since it came out not even a year ago.
  6. I've played only KH and Days. Re:chain of memories never came out in Europe, I can't wait to get my hands on 1.5 so I can finally play it too!
  7. Sora and Kairi Roxas and Xion Terra and Aqua
  8. Hi everyone I've decided to join this site because I love Kingdom Hearts, I played all the games except Re:Com ( It never came out in europe ç_ç) My favorites so far are Days and Birth By Sleep, my favorite characters are Xion and Aqua I don't know what else to say
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