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About Theforgottenpuppet14

  • Birthday 01/21/1997

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  1. Out of everything that happens in the game... what do you guys think was the saddest part? I can never get over Axel's death. Or when Riku reveals himself to Sora.
  2. He distanced himself from her a lot because he knew if he got attached he would eventually get hurt. Not to mention the fact the Organisation would use her to test where his loyalties lie.
  3. Thing is... BBS's story is muuuch better than DDD's. But I felt the controls and gameplay of DDD were better than that of BBS. One thing I feel is that just watching all of the cutscenes of BBS is better than playing through it. It kinda drags out playing it after a while I think I feel this way because of how lacking the PSP is. On the PS3 BBS could've been sooo much more in pretty much every way. By the looks of things KH III won't be for PS3 Which means all the PS3 will probably get is the 1.5 HD Remix. BBS could've been the only KH game originally made for the PS3 only. Yet we're stuck playing it on a small screen BBS had a much more emotional ending than that of DDD. Even though DDD had a lot more twists and surprises... it didn't tick the box on emotions you normally get in KH. I cry at pretty much every game :') But not DDD. So I guess overall BBS beats DDD. Still, at least it'll be on 2.5 with hopefully improved controls.
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