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Everything posted by Bill

  1. i still think he is mean..i got it from google. ^_^
  2. days xions death was so sad. and when roxas said who will i eat ice cream with. it was one of the saddest lines i have ever heard in a video game. birth by sleep was just full of dumb characters so why would i care what happened to them?
  3. i hate using donald and goofy. they always seemed pointless to me. the side kids should just be characters from the world your in. that would be cool.
  4. Bill

    It is me!

    thanks everyone. you guys are very nice. whats wrong with hedgehogs. i think they are cute
  5. iut just seems like he was always yeling at her and giving her dirty looks.
  6. that thing just looks stupid. im disapointed
  7. it always seemed like he was mean to her. i dont know why he would be. she is soooooo nice. maybe he just wanted roxas all to himself? did he seem like that to u guys?please dont say anything mean about xion. i love her so much.
  8. someone gave me a like. are they for anything?

    1. Geralt


      Just Rep =P nothing too important, it's like a facebook thing I guess owo

    2. Bill


      oh. thanks. ur nice. (:

    3. Geralt


      Your welcome =D and thanks :O

  9. hi there! im bill! it's good to meet u all. i am a huge kingdom hearts fan. 358 over 2 days is my favorite game in the series. my favorite character is xion. i just love her so much. y did she have to die? anyways i look forward to getting to no u all!
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