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Everything posted by flameking11

  1. EA has released a code for Origin for anyone to obtain a free copy of The Sims 2 with all of the DLC, which is available until July 31st. See the link below to get the code. http://help.ea.com/en/article/how-to-get-the-sims-2-ultimate-collection/
  2. My sister found out that her baby's going to be a boy... Just checked Facebook and she said that one of the possible names is Axel. I am pleased.

  3. I'll just be waiting for the European release date then...
  4. My copy of 1.5 is a day early! Just got to go pick it up from my dads and I have the rest of the day off school to play it!

  5. But Zelda has a Ninetails, the evolved form of Vulpix and Espeon, the evolved form of Evee. And Link evolved his Hoothoot into a Noctowl.
  6. The hedgehog was in my garden again... And I got pictures this time!

  7. Just saw a hedgehog in my garden :D

  8. At least with Pokemon X and Y there wont be anyway to cheat for a while...
  9. Finally found all the cables to my old megadrive, this'll be fun!

  10. My mum and sister found a rabbit... its adorable... I hope we don't find the owners! T.T

  11. Trapped in Ratchet and Clank 2? Sounds like fun, I'll get the RYNO II.
  12. Art at school: People don't shut up and throw pieces of rubber. Art at home: My cat sleeps on my work...

  13. Just got a PS3 today :D I've been playing Tools of Destruction since I got home.

  14. All GBA Pokemon games with the ability to migrate the Pokemon from it to the 3ds Pokemon games.
  15. I now have enough money to buy a ps3! >:D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. flameking11


      It was hard enough to save money for a ps3... Plus I won't be able to play KH HD on a ps4. And who knows when KH3 is coming out anyway?

    3. Javelin434


      Friggin jelly. Go get one!

    4. Silent


      i really hope kh3 won't be on the ps4. Nomura said he wanted all games to be released on one console and thats what i'm hoping for the ps3.

  16. School's closed!

  17. I'm not the only one who has seen this, right? http://sambakza.net/
  18. "I'll just call you... Clank!"

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