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Wissam Hammoud

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  1. I would say your best bet is it too just buy a cheap ps3 off ebay and play games like kh1.5,gta5,battlefield 4, etc. untll kh3 comes out
  2. Wait, in the E3 trailer it showed that the game was pretty early in development. How did you find out that it has been in development since 2010?
  3. hey since you guys already are talking about this, I was wondering were the best place to preorder is? Should I preorder from amazon or gamestop?
  4. whats so good about kingdom heart? why do people want to get in it?
  5. ok well first, I never the point of Orginization 13, what do they do, why are they bad, why does sora join them two, whos roxas
  6. OK, so with Kingdom Hearys 3 recently announced I need to get a refresher. Ive play KH 1,2,Chain of Memories, and DDD but since KH has a really confusing storyline I pretty much forgot all of it. Ive been looking around the internet to find something that can sum it up for me, but I couldnt find one. I thought maybe you guys could help.
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