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Everything posted by Reyn

  1. Its great!! Im glad to hear the trophy noises in the BG for Dearly Beloved and the dialogue.
  2. I wouldve been satisfied if they had at least made Sephiroth and Xemnas gold trophies and the other secret bosses Silver, but nope, Square has to troll us and give us Bronze for each trophy. Its like they're expecting us to Grind to Level 100 and beat them easy on Beginner. Even though most of us will beat all the secret bosses on Proud(and some will on standard) and at levels in the 70's. But Square isn't smart enough to realize that and thus cheated us out of well earned Gold and Silver trophies. So screw you Square. <_< The only good thing Square did about the trophies is that they gave Days Gold trophies at least. :mellow:
  3. Ok, that makes sense. I'm glad you didn't just give one reason, and thoroughly explained why you disliked it.
  4. I hope Mirage Arena has Multiplayer, that'd be SO AWESOME!!! It would be even better.
  5. This^ DDD was a little confusing on how Riku became a Dream Eater, but otherwise i understand the story fine. I mean, once you understand FF story lines, KH is pretty simple.
  6. Why? What do you think was so bad about it? I mean i understand why people dislike Days and Coded, but Birth By Sleep i thought was amazing.
  7. I agree. I just noticed that.
  8. Mine would have to be Re:Coded, as it feels more like a Fan made game(and a crappily made one at that) has almost no story, and the gameplay feels horrible(And the ironic thing is i loved KH 1's gameplay to death). Edit: OMFG, WHO THE HECK THOUGHT BIRTH BY SLEEP WAS THE WORST KH GAME??????????!!!!!!!!!! :blink: Also i really wanna see how many people really hate the Main 2 titles and DDD. Those are really the best games IMHO. Those and BBS.
  9. Uh, why did you put your comment inside my Quote?
  10. I agree whole heartedly. I know, i made the horrible mistake of buying it at gamestop FOR 20 FIRETRUCKING DOLLARS THINKING IT WAS GOOD LIKE MOST OF THE OTHER KH GAMES. I traded it back the next day. I knew i shouldv'e just waited until 358/2 days came around. <_< 3D was ok, it's just that it has explains so many Plot issues and creates more new ones that it gets really confusing if you can't keep up, and some people can't. I understand most of the story very well(The only parts of KH i don't understand is 358/2 days, as its the only KH game i haven't played besides BBS, but i watched a walkthrough for BBS, so i understand that game, i didn't bother to do the same with 358/2 days as i assumed it would come to my local gamestop soon enough, i'm still waiting for it though) so im ok with it. I know, i wanted BBS V2 also, but i guess will just hope it comes out with KH 3. Its ok, everyone is entitled to their opinions. If i had a say in 2.5's creation, i'd just say Remaster KH2FM, BBSFM, and Remake 3D to play on a PS3. ^_^ I'd exclude Coded, as it only really just shows how Mickey finds out Xehanort will return, and how to save the BBS Trio. That's really all its about.
  11. Lol. Yeah, I'd say, "Screw Versus, WE'VE BEEN WAITING EVEN LONGER FOR KH3 AND OUR PATIENCE HAS RUN OUT NOMURA, WE WANT KH 3 DIRECTLY AFTER 2.5 YOU HEAR ME. AND YOU BETTER MAKE DIFFICULTY TROPHIES STACK THIS TIME, UNLIKE 1.5, YOU HEAR ME!!!!" Of course i'd say it all in Japanese, like this: ネジ対は、我々はKH3のために、もっと長く待っているのだが、忍耐が野村を使い果たしている、我々はKH3に直接2.5 AFTERあなたは私を聞くしたい。あなたは良く1.5とは異なり、あなたは私を聞く、難易度のトロフィーは、この時間をSTACK MAKE!! I used Google translate for this^ Also, wow, the Japanese can fit more words into a sentence than we can. EDIT: For fun, here is my phrase in Spanish!! : Tornillo de Versus, que hemos estado esperando aún más tiempo para KH3 y nuestra paciencia se ha agotado Nomura, QUEREMOS KH 3 directamente después de 2,5 ¿Me oyes. Y es mejor hacer TROFEOS DE DIFICULTAD DE DESCARGA DE ESTE TIEMPO, A DIFERENCIA DE 1,5, ¿me oyes!! Since i can read Spanish i understood it all, even if i hadn't written it. Also here it is in German: Screw Versus, Wir warten noch länger auf KH3 und unsere Geduld hat NOMURA RUN WOLLEN WIR KH 3 direkt nach 2,5 You Hear Me. UND SIE BESSER MACHEN SCHWIERIGKEITSGRAD TROPHÄEN STACK DIESES MAL ANDERS ALS 1,5, du mich hören!!
  12. Yeah, it looks bretty sharp. It's crazy.
  13. I'd prefer 3D over Coded, since 3D has the better story(And Coded more or less has no story at all, which would make it harder to make into a movie) and it pretty much explains most of the KH series up to this point, and would make a valuable edition to the Remasters. I know 3D just came out(even though its only been a year) but it'd be easier to make a movie out of 3D than Coded, plus i liked 3D alot more IMO. I'd also LOVE TO GET 3D TROPHIES ON PSN!!! So what do you guys want as a movie in KH 2.5?
  14. Their already making FFXIII-3 release simultaneously all over the world, so i doubt they'd do it with KH3 unless they start production way after XIII-3 comes out.
  15. When's TGS? I forgot. Yeah seriously, if KH 2.5 gets released early 2014 or(God forbid) late 2013 (which i highly doubt) and they immediately start making KH3 then it could work. That's only if Vs. XIII should finally come out around the time 2.5 does, which it most likely will not be. And as if that wasn't bad enough( <_< ), Square is also completely booked with other video game projects: 1. FFXIV : Realm Reborn. (Which is an MMO for PC AND THE PS3, a console!! Which takes even longer to incoporate on, due to internet connections and such) 2. FFXIII-3: Lightning Returns. (Which is suppose to be another 100 hour RPG) 3. FF X remaster(FOR PS3!!!) 4. FF Vs. XIII(Supposedly, but i think it's taking a backseat to the other projects for now) 5. KH 1.5 HD Remix(They are translating it for the other audiences) 6. KH 2.5 HD Remix(Supposedly, we don't know yet) So yeah, they are really booked with projects. They have way too many things. But really, Its Nomura's fault that the KH series(Well the Xehanort Saga anyway) will probably not get to be on PS3. If he had started FF Vs. XIII sooner, instead of announcing it in 2006 and waiting until 2011 to actually start real production on it, we might've already gotten KH 3, or at least have a release date for maybe sometime in this year. But since he is stubborn with starting KH 3 until Vs. XIII is finished, we probably WILL NOT GET KH 3 ON PS3. If it turns out to be on PS4, ill end up waiting maybe a year until the PS4 drops to $300 before getting it and KH 3, which will be like maybe $20 by the time i get a PS4. This^
  16. They are probably working on it now. If they hurry up production, they could easily have it finished by late 2013/early 2014. Also i've been thinking. Re:Coded doesn't really have much of a story, so it would be extremely hard to adapt it into a movie like days, while DDD has a huge(and Albeit confusing) story, which pretty much explains most of the plot up to this point. And there are way more action scenes. I say DDD should be the movie for KH 2.5 instead of Coded. It'd be better, and even though i already have a 3DS, i'd love to get trophies on PSN for watching DDD as a movie, as its one of my more favorite KH games(Along with BBS, and KH1)
  17. Wait, theres gonna be a KH Anime? I'd rather have them stay as Video games, a manga is good enough. But ill stick check it out to see if its any good. They'd probably have to make a spin off series after the end of KH 3, as it'll be a whole new saga. There could be 7 seasons, one for each game(I don't count Re:Coded, as it really doesn't have a story, and in the series they could just say, "While looking through Jiminy's journal of the events of KH 1, he finds out that Xehanort will return and that Sora is the one who can save Aqua, Ven, and Terra. Thus he summons Sora and Riku to take the Mark of Mastery exam). Also, any of the sources say what channels its gonna be broadcasted too, and when it'll start airing?
  18. It looks like a Fire Version of Diamond Dust IMHO.
  19. 1. "If Kingdom Hearts 3 has a final mix version, will the US, Europe and Australia get it, or only Japan"? 2. "Will FF Vs. XIII be released on PS3, PS4 or on both platforms"? 3. "Will Kingdom Hearts III allow you to play as only Sora, or all of the Keyblade wielders?"
  20. Yeah, Riku's english voice doesn't sound much different now, compared to Sora's. Yep. Thanks.
  21. Lol, the most screwed up Fan fic.
  22. I will try, no matter what. But i really wish they wouldve stacked though. I probably will just get all trophies save for Final Mix mode trophies(ILL GET most trophies on Proud run, and the Beginner and Speedster trophy on a Beginner run right after that) after i leave and come back to the game.
  23. Oh, well still, you had to do alot of work to get a certain position(In your case, the Gallery Manager), is what i shouldve said.
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