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Everything posted by Reyn

  1. *sees Gohan's new design, looking even nerdier than ever, and cringes* Damn it Toriyama. Other than that, this definitely looks interesting. Still...It makes you wonder if this is the real Frieza or not, what with him powering up with what looks like a SSJ kind of aura though...I like Kaweebo's theory in light of this.
  2. I think he failed to utilize the best joke. Reyn Time. Tsk tsk tsk. Jokes aside, this was great, although i was sure Meta Knight was going to say "Meta Knight time" at the end though, but eh, it doesn't break character, and i don't really mind. Also, i like his portrayal of Pittoo alot. I thought i sent you this yesterday?
  3. Right now, i have these characters as my mains: Shulk (that's right Shulk, i'm gonna get better at playing you than you are. : 3 Now it's Reyn time) Marth (Never started using him until now, Smash Flash 2 got me interested in him, my spacing is really good with tips, so i do better with him than i do with Lucina honestly) Bowser (Since Brawl i've used him, he's pretty fun, but now he's better than ever) Lucario (Again since Brawl) Fox Ness Pit (sometimes) I also use Robin sometimes (i'm pretty good with him), aswell as Ike, Palutena, Peach and Charizard, though i wouldn't say i main them. I do want to main Sonic though, but i need more practice first.
  4. You know, that's the weird thing. I have a harder time with the early stages (although its not as bad now as in the 3DS version, since more people in the fights means more people taking each other out and using items on others instead of me) than i do with Master Core's boss fight. It might just be i've learned the pattern now, which is why im so good, but i don't struggle on any of the forms anymore, except Lizard a bit, since i might not be able to react to his attack when he goes in and out from the background because i was pulling off a laggy attack to do alot of damage. Even Master Blades is easy really, when he holds the largest sword up for a couple seconds, the best thing to do is just run to the other side of the stage while he's preparing it, and just shield. He attacks while he moves during this part, and he'll waste some of his attack moving to you, most of the time he'll only get enough time to land the final hits on you, and if you're shielding you'll be safe. I really wanna try doing this with Lucario now though, if only to see how i'd do, with how much damage i'm gonna take.
  5. Well, just tried classic last night on 9.0. I got to Master Fortress easy, but...The enemies are OP as heck, seriously. I got to the second weak spot, i got hit twice by lasers and i died in like 5 seconds, literally. It was ridiculous. Of course, i wasn't using Shield Shulk, but still. O_o I'm gonna be more careful next time around.
  6. Yeah....You're not really feeling it. I can tell.
  7. So finally got Smash 4, it's been really fun. I have yet to try out Classic and the other solo mode options, i've been busy playing online with a friend for most of the time. I can't wait to start getting trophies and such.
  8. My NNID is "spiderfreak1011". Anyone feel free to add me and i'll gladly battle you when i can. I'm really feeling it!
  9. Reyn

    Omg i just got Smash 4. It's updating. I'M SO EXCITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED.

    1. Shulk


      Alright. I ended up adjusting to it over time.


      Oh, by the way, Little Mac won the Conquest... Shulk got dead last. :/ Not surprised by that, though.

    2. Reyn


      Aw, that sucks.


      Oh A xel, you said you use the Red palette swap for Robin? Here's a new nickname for you. RED ROBIN (yum).

    3. Shulk


      I already figured that nickname out. xD

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  10. Your wecome Shulk. Finding good music is what i do. It's the only thing i can do after you stole my shtick of making good catchphrases. Reyn Time will always be remembered. ; (
  11. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/wii-u-with-mario-3d-world-super-smash-tropical-freeze-nintendo-land/9999238700050000.p Welp, just saw this. At first i was a bit annoyed seeing this after i just bought mine, but i got over it quick when i realized it was at Best Buy. I only paid like 250 for mine with 3D World + Nintendo Land, deluxe set at Target with discounts, and i can still buy Smash 4 in the next week or so. Plus, i probably wouldn't have played much of Tropical Freeze (i like DK, but i'm not that big of a fan of the games) and i'm probably gonna sell Nintendo Land on Ebay since i don't care much for that either. Besides, i'm glad that i'm avoiding the Black Friday rush and chilling at home with my Family. It's definitely not worth it to wait out there all night. :
  12. Uh...Photoshop maybe? I don't think the game would be that glitchy...
  13. Yeah, for anyone who just likes to rush in and not worry about their positioning, Lucina's better for Damage Output overall. Marth's just more rewarding to those who are good at spacing out their attacks, like me (it's the only reason i use Marth as a main, otherwise it'd be Lucina). I manage to hit with the tip alot, which helps for racking up alot of damage and early KOs better than i ever could with Lucina. Honestly, i can play a decent Lucina, but i can play a way better Marth. If it wasn't for the sweetspot, i probably wouldn't use Lucina or Marth, since their movesets are ok, but not really all that suited to my playstyle normally, i'd rather have a sort of gimmick/quality to go along with something like that to make it more rewarding for me to master a character. Fortunately, Marth's tip is perfect for that. : P
  14. Ohhhhhhh, so you think you can just make a new tune and steal my joke do you? Well, i got news for you. Behooooooooooold, the crappiness of lyrics for Sephiroth's song that i made OVER A YEAR AGOOOOOOOOOOOOO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uou0AeUryaw FRENCH FROGS, BIG CHERRIES, PETER PAN, MAGIC CHEESE, SEPHIROTH. FOR SYMPHONIES.........AND KINGDOM KEYS(Repeat both 2 lines above one more time)(Repeat first 5 lives once more, and then sephiroth again)HEFTY HEFTY HEFTY BOSS, SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH SEPHIROTH(Repeat 2 lines again 5 times with these lyrics being sung over them /)HOLY SHIT OSAMA BIN LADEN, HOLY SHIT OSAMA BIN LADENSEPHIROTH!
  15. ^ This. Plus, knowing some of the fanboys, alot of people would complain about "y isn't ridly the sme sze?" :
  16. Not really, Bowser's normal size in the games (Galaxy is a good example when he shrinks back to normal size after each world) isn't relatively much bigger than Mario, so Sakurai could easily represent him like that. Bowser isn't humongous size 24/7 you know. Even in the Paper Mario games he's still not too much bigger than Peach really. Well Height wise anyway. Ridley is a different case honestly.
  17. How is that dumb? Because he wanted to stay true the character and not have to change him drastically in order to put him in the game?
  18. Man, trolling out people with my mad Shulk skills on For Glory has never been this fun. It's like...I CAN FEEEEEEEL THE POWER! I'm feeling it now!

    1. Shulk


      Right. No problem, and good luck!

    2. Kittenz



    3. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans


    4. Show next comments  42 more
  19. Lol, thanks, i've had alot of practice. Yeah, although his Down Smash has always had alot of power from what i've seen. I can't tell you how many times i've killed with it, when someone rolled towards me.
  20. Fufufu, are you forgetting that match we had Jilly? : P But seriously though, yeah, Shulk's not OP. He just got a few smash attack boosts, overall you still need to be good at spacing and maximizing the Monado Artes potential if you really want to be good with him. He's not too hard to deal with, especially if you know the draw backs on the artes.
  21. They will eventually. Nintendo will badger Sakurai soon, they'll make so much profit off of it, seriously. This raises some questions though. Does that mean Mewtwo won't be purchasable DLC and only can be obtained if you get both copies? That would make alooooooooot of fans rage.
  22. Hey man, good games. You were really good.

    1. Reyn


      Right, that makes sense. But yeah, Shulk takes awhile to get used to. The thing about him is that you need to be good at spacing, and use his Monado artes to their max potential and try not to let people take advantage of the drawbacks.


      Yeah, Xenoblade's pretty good, i like it.

    2. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      Hey, man, wanna go a couple more rounds?

    3. Reyn


      Sorry, had to eat dinner, if you want i'm up for some more matches.

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  23. But apparently Ganon's side B wasn't patched. -__- Damn it Nintendo, that really would've been appreciated. Also, i thought it'd result in a Sudden Death if he suicides with you off the edge. Apparently that's what happens in the Wii U version(i saw some footage of it by this game called BeanmanJr). Hmm.
  24. Does anyone wanna fight me online in Smash 4? Everyone i've asked so far either ignored what i said or went offline, so i'm a bit bored.

    1. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      Very interesting... I'm still getting an error code.

    2. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      Although I can see your room up and that you have some free space.

    3. Reyn


      If you want Sun,maybe i could make a new room for us in 10 minutes. I'd make it now, but im busy trying to download something.

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  25. Hey Hero, i'm on, you wanna fight? Ive got wifi now so yeah.

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