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Javelin434 last won the day on January 7 2020

Javelin434 had the most liked content!

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    Kairi's Nocturnal Guardian No. IV & LaG Vindicator
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  1. I would absolutely make terrible financial decisions to buy a KH game that's centered on telling Kairi's story. I would love to see her have more screentime and see who she really is beyond her interactions with the mainline story characters!
  2. GUESS WHO'S BACK AFTER HEARING THE NEWS?!?!?!? LETS GOOOOOOO Incoherent fanboy screeches
  3. Omg I remember when it was a theoretical discussion years ago! IT FINALLY HAPPENED YAAAAAASSSSS
  4. I dunno, if the KH concerts are anything to go by, there's definitely potential for her music to easily be in the top 10. I'll just assume there's still some bias against video game music in general when it comes to classical music.
  5. Cuddle my Kairi plushie because A CERTAIN SPIKY HAIRED BOY HASN'T KISSED HER YET (although sharing the paopu fruit would count I guess). Also listen to "Face my Fears" the album because why not lol
  6. I WILL PAY REAL WORLD MUNNY IF THAT MEANS I GET KAIRI AS A PLAYABLE MAIN CHARACTER (also to customize her outfit like Aqua for 2.8. Cat-ears ftw)
  7. It's a tie between Halo 3, ODST and Reach for me. Halo 3 because of the epic story, plus it was my first dive into online multiplayer. Made some really good online friends that I still play with to this very day. Also the Spartans don't look like skinny Calvin Klein models like they do in Halo 5. ODST because you play as someone who isn't a l33t pr0 hAxx0r Covenant killing machine, but a regular ODST who are still a step above Marines, but below Spartans. Reach because of Custom Games multiplayer. I spent so many hours forging maps for cops n robbers. It was a blast and those memories are something that my online buddies will treasure for a long time.
  8. I didn't even realize that there were a lot of haters for KH3. I just ignored anything KH3 related until I completed the game, and even then nothing is gonna change my feelings for the game in a negative manner. If you think KH3 is a great game, then great! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
  9. Personally I'm saddened by what Nomura has done to Kairi's development, hyping her up only for stuff like that to happen again. My concern is that he listened to the more vocal part of the fanbase who seem to dislike her and took that as 'Ok, they want more bromance so I'll give them that then.' This is basically what I can hope for. C'MON NOMURA, SOME OF US ARE HEAVILY INVESTED IN HER EMOTIONALLY!
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