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About SoulCore75

  • Birthday 02/27/1997

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  1. Keyblade all the way!! I totally agree.
  2. WOW!! Never thought l'll see a pic like that, thats great.
  3. *looks on the top of the page* Introduce yourself? Umm... ok, hi. ummm.... Don't we introduce our self in our profiles for a bio? ^_^; Now thta l have done my bio on my stinken profile... what am l suspose to write/type in here? lol
  4. What to do now...?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. SoulCore75


      Nuuuu Pffftt!! that wasn't me >_>;

    3. Weiss
    4. SoulCore75


      Yep. *walks away slowly*

  5. New around here, so trying to find my way around the place. :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SoulCore75


      Yeah, l will make a introduction. As soon as my internet starts to go a little faster... -_-" And thanks you guys. And sure l will chat aswell. :) I first saw the site and thought, "omg there are people that know more things about KH than me... lol".

    3. Geralt


      Welcome to KH13 :D feel free to chat with me anytime :) Enjoy it here.

    4. SoulCore75


      Thanks and sure ok i will. :)

  6. Ofcourse KH is about friendship, but the fans of KH will make couples out of the game. So my opinon about this topic is.... ummm... I like both of them. They are both very cute matchings. But l perfer RokuShi becasue they make the most sense... Also because, all my friends are KH fans. And once they saw me and my gf, they shouted out "ROKUSHI!!". I used to like RokuNami more, but since then I've liked RokuShi... ...So thats my opinon. :mellow:
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