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About Charlz1234565

  • Birthday 12/25/1998

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  1. i haven't actually read all the books yet (im on book 11) but from what i have read i love both l and light/Kira though i actually prefer light to L though that's my choice (i added this post to see how meany deathnote readers there were on this sight and who they preferred so i was surprised to see how meany people have seen deathnote )
  2. just out of curiosity is there any deathnote fans round here and if so who do you prefer L or Light (Kira)
  3. trying to defeat Demyx when underlevled it took me over 20 attempts but im sure there are harder boss fights ( my country never got chain of memories as I live in the uk :angry: )
  4. unicorn leopard snake or viper fox or wolf and bear I think
  5. i liked the hartless better but thats just my desision
  6. one of my friends made a a4 poster with a ranbow on it and stuck it on her bag and ran around telling random people about "rainbow day" if that counts .( she even said it to our headmaster )
  7. in kingdom hearts 2 roxas in a organisation XIII hoodie speeks to Xemnas or ansem the wise who mentions that he has "been to see him" and that he looked alot like roxas so i was thinking that he could of been mentoning ventas not sora.
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