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Everything posted by Hardrada

  1. What the firetruck man? I was excited too. 10/10. You got me.
  2. I never really understood the appeal of deadpool. Is it because of the supposed comedy factor?It's just Deathstroke mixed with Spiderman and turned up to 11.
  3. Too early to tell for me at this point. Could end up being terrible.
  4. Looks like he should be on power rangers.
  5. So if someone made a religious topic in the Random section it could totally get out of hand and never be closed! That's how it works right?
  6. Hoo boy! I sure do love these KH13 Jesus threads! Hail Jesus! m/
  7. What's errbodies Steam accounts? I need to add more people.

    1. Ghost


      twerkingmiku :)

    2. Hardrada


      No users match that search :(

  8. It seems pointless to make a movie out of a game that's already so cinematic.
  9. If we do find any in the next 20 years, I doubt they would be developed beyond cellular forms. I don't think we'll find sentient beings, and I doubt we've been visited by any.
  10. Theist - God is present and interacts with his creation. Deist - "God" either still exists or existed at some point, but regardless has no interaction with the universe.
  11. Atheist means "without god", not "without religion". That's an important distinction, since being religious does not necessarily mean you believe in a diety.
  12. Sounds like you have Somniphobia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somniphobia
  13. I always appreciated that Auron's voice actor was in this movie too.
  14. The Mount & Blade series SHOULD be popular.
  15. What does that have to do with homosexuality?
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGl6r5tQYPM The Clone Wars are overdone and boring, and the new animated series looks worse. This is a Star Wars animation I'd like to see more of.
  17. The whole point of my posts is that possibility is a spectrum. Something like me eating a sandwich tomorrow is clearly more likely to happen than me encountering a unicorn tomorrow. The latter of which is so unlikely based on what we know, that it's pointless to consider. If people believed in everything that was possible regardless of how likely or unlikely it was, we would have no filter; no criteria for making decisions.If it happened, would you support tax dollars going to fund research into the existance of unicorns? Would that be a reasonable use of time and resources?
  18. Actually, having proof one way or the other would effect which was true with your brother (obviously only one can be true)...if you can prove that he's male (or real), he obviously isn't female (or fake). If a man is going to jump off a building because he sincerely believes he can fly, will he? Technically he hasn't jumped yet so we can't 100% say he will fall, but all of our experience and evidence up to this point overwhelmingly suggests that he will end up as a mess on the pavement. Just because it could happen doesn't mean it's even remotely likely. It would be completely unreasonable to believe that anything other than falling will occur because of how much evidence and understanding we have in gravity, physics, and human anatomy. Despite the jokes, I know you likely don't believe in unicorns, and it's for these very reasons. It would be unreasonable and silly to believe these things just because they "could" happen, or "could" be true, despite the absence of evidence. I could be a unicorn right now, trying to throw you off my track. Can you prove me wrong? Not unless you come find me (please don't). Is it likely true? No.
  19. All of those things have evidence towards them being possibilities. Your brother is male because he likely has male features, along with a larger adam's apple. We know that both Kenyans and Japanese people not only exist, but are capable of breeding together. A closer analogy to the unicorn would be if your parents told you that you had a male brother, but you never saw him or any evidence of his existance despite your efforts to find any. What reason would you have to believe them?
  20. Searching for something like Dark Matter and searching for Unicorns are two different things. Scientists don't just randomly select their projects by throwing darts at a dart-board.
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