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Everything posted by Hardrada

  1. No, I found the plot dull and the cutscenes boring. Fun game though!
  2. Metro: Last Light, but I seem to be having technical difficulties.
  3. Anyone heard of this "Another Crawling Chaos" thing? Lovecraft must be rolling in his grave.

  4. I know it's been pushed back to the start of 2015 but I'll say "Witcher 3" anyway. I'd mention "No Man's Sky" but I don't know the release date of that yet.
  5. The side effects of climate change are starting to become more obvious.
  6. The "campaign" can be beat in 10 minutes, and the side missions all take place in the same location with different lighting. Depens on how appealing this sounds to you.
  7. I'll second Lovecraft, but I think Mark Twain better fits your criteria. It all depends on what kind of stuff you like to read though.
  8. It was my favorite sci-fi gaming series, until 3 came out. I think they rushed it out too fast. (And changed the ending.)
  9. I would call it a guilty pleasure, but I don't feel guilty about it.
  10. I think you're on some shaky ground, but nice try. Sora follows the classic "Hero's journey" archetype.
  11. Almost forgot today is Lovecraft's birthday. Looks like I'll have some reading before bed tonight.

  12. I would rather discuss it outside the thread, unless thats what you want. These things aren't brief and I don't want to take up multiple pages.
  13. Jesus is mentioned in some second-hand historical documents, but nothing contemporary (which is a big problem). I'll stop there though since I don't want to derail the thread.
  14. I wouldn't say that's necessarily true. Some myths have just been myths all the way through.
  15. I don't think Jesus Christ existed at all, either as a diety or a historical man.
  16. Just be friendly toward all girls you encounter, and you'll probably get a good idea of how they feel towards you through body language and stuff. There's a fine line between friendly and flirty though.
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