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Everything posted by Hardrada

  1. I rather liked Alien 3, and the director's cut makes it even better. If we're splitting hairs here; I like "Aliens", but I hate what it did to the Xenomorph itself, especially after how it was represented in the first movie.
  2. Just get a gaming PC and the butthurt will go away.
  3. Clearly practices and opinions have changed then. That's exactly what's happening now. We now know that mixing fabrics can create stronger materials. (meaning the christian's enemies were right when it came to fashion?) Maybe allowing gay marriage can create a more cohesive, inclusive society. If we don't condemn the clothing practice, why are we still condemning homosexuality?
  4. Trimming your beard? mixing fabrics? Working the sabbath?
  5. There is cherry picking of scripture though isn't there? In the same book condemning the sin of homosexuality It says you also shouldn't: "Eat an animal which doesn't both chew cud and have a divided hoof", eat shellfish, wear clothing of mixed fabrics, cross-breed animals, plant different crops in the same field, trim your beard, etc. I don't see anyone condemning these sins. Shouldn't we be consistent?
  6. I actually regret paying to see this movie. It's still better than Jurassic Park 3 though, so there's that...
  7. How have you kiddies been enjoying W3 so far?
  8. I'm saying that even within Star Wars logic, ab armor STILL doesn't make sense. Not picking on this figure alone; I'm just tired of seeing this concept used on every single thing. It's the same with women knights having bikini armor or boob plate in fantasy games.
  9. Ab armor is Squeenix logic, not Star Wars logic. Even Star Wars wasn't that silly.
  10. Yes, but having valleys in the armor actually makes it more dangerous. There was a reason that type of armor was used in ceremonial functions, and not in actual combat.
  11. Hoping for a Iorveth cameo, but I feel like he'll probably hate me after my decisions in 2.
  12. Wondering if any of the previous games choices will carry over.
  13. I always felt like the story mode was the worst part so good riddance I say.
  14. Often smokers suffer from declining health due to their habit and often wind up in hospitals, getting lung cancer, etc. Since much of our tax dollars go towards healthcare, I have every right to give a shit about people smoking, especially when it has only negative effects for everyone. It's clearly just an aesthetic choice, like wearing a T-shirt. Not to mention other benefits to banning smoking would include: Less house fires due to cigarettes, reduced consumption of scarce physical resources, a smaller carbon footprint, and we could potentially halt one of the principal sources of corruption in modern civilization (which is, you guessed it, the tobacco industry).
  15. Even though I am pro-choice, I find this debate to have more grey in it than similar social debates like gay marriage. I'm able to sympathize more easily with the other side.
  16. Most people started with "Heir to the Empire", which was one of the early EU book series.
  17. Coming "full circle" hopefully means the final scenes of this game will be of Solid Snake preparing to infiltrate the first Outer Heaven.
  18. Your comment about Rap ruining music still doesn't make sense though. Just because it gets overexposed on the radio doesn't mean it's effecting all musical output.
  19. You're aware that there's plenty of music that doesn't get radio play right? If you think the radio is a good representation of modern music, then you're limiting yourself to musical experience and options.
  20. How is rap ruining music? That's a pretty broad statement.
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