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Everything posted by Hardrada

  1. Are you sure it was completely windless? That's a pretty specific detail from 5 years ago. Also, insects wouldn't require wind. Assuming it's supernatural in nature is silly.
  2. At first glance they look like an animals eyes, but the closer I looked it seems one is more in the foreground than the other. My guess would be passing debris.
  3. Don't buy any from a store. They're always overpriced. Shop online.
  4. I'm looking forward to The Witcher 3, but I doubt it will be a launch title.
  5. The problem is that legally, there is no such thing as a hate group in the USA.
  6. I'm convinced that WBC is more business than actual religion. Whenever they get harassed or kicked out of protests, they sue based on the first ammendment and make tons of money. Being tax exempt as a religion probably helps too.
  7. There must be some way to connect the toxic avenger to this too...
  8. Eh, I always thought jecht was the best ff antagonist. He had the most personal connection with the party of all the games, and isn't actually an evil guy.
  9. Even if this device were real, (which its not) the events would not be set in stone. The future would be altered by the person just by viewing it.
  10. If they wind up having a breakthrough in altzheimers study it would fall under healthcare, and the government would get involved anyway. Having had a grandparent who suffered from this disease and memory loss, I don't see a problem with research if it turns up results.
  11. Honestly I don't consider north Korea to be much of a threat at all. The Kim family has been making these same threats for 3 generations and nothing has ever come of it. Their country doesn't even has an infrastructure, it's people are starving, and even if it launched, their warheads are so primitive that they couldn't even reach the American mainland. You should worry less about north Korean and more about Iran who poses an actual threat.
  12. It says right in the article that it promotes cognitive thinking.
  13. This whole ancient aliens thing sure has gotten popular lately...
  14. Anonymous gets a bad rap, it's things like this that make me appreciate what they're doing (for the lulz)
  15. The bit about Satan being the best friend of the church is sarcasm. (if not partly true)
  16. The soundtrack for Deus Ex: Human Revolution was very impressive with it's Blade Runner/Tron esq ambience.
  17. There are actual Theistic satanic organizations. The Temple of Set is similar to LaVeyan satanism but involves actual devil worship, mainly Set.The most extreme example however is The Order of Nine Angels. They actually promote illegal behavior and human sacrifice, and they have also been accused of having ties to Neo-Nazi movements. Regular satanism by comparison seems rather nice.
  18. Lucifer is used symbolically rather than as an actual diety to be worshipped. The idea is that in the garden of Eden, god was the bad guy and satan was doing humanity a favor. God knowingly put the forbidden fruit of knowledge there to see how loyal his creations were, while satan told adam and eve to eat the fruit because it would provide them with knowledge they needed. God = ignorance, obedience Satan = knowledge, free will is what it boils down to for the church of satan.But again, The church of satan does not worship the devil. I'd place it closer to buddhism than any of the abrahamic beliefs.On an interesting note, "Satan" is a title meaning adversary. "Lucifer" would be his name, "Satan" is the title he holds.
  19. I believe the average frame rate of movies is 24 fps and it's obvious that they move more slowly that we actually see.
  20. Meteors striking earth actually happens quite often. The more civilization expands, the more we'll see this type of thing happening.
  21. I find master chief to be the most uninteresting protagonist in all modern gaming.
  22. Thankfully the pope doesn't hold any real power anymore, so only the catholics have to worry about this.
  23. Video games have been blamed for real life violence since "Doom" and "Mortal Kombat". They haven't been banned yet, so I'm not worried in the least.
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