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Everything posted by Hardrada

  1. Considering KH3 likely won't be released for quite some time yet, and I haven't seen any appealing console exclusives, I'm content to stick with my PS3 and PC for now.
  2. You should get them on your upper arms rather than your forearms, that way they will still be visible, but can also be easily hidden should you ever need to do so.
  3. This series needs to be allowed to die.
  4. This thread is from 2 years ago, not sure why you're posting in it now.
  5. I have to agree with sora on this one, I don't want another FFVII anymore than I want an X-3. I don't care if they had cliffhanger endings. Crisis Core was the only VII spinoff that I liked.
  6. I wouldn't really consider this opinion to be unpopular.
  7. I don't like this guy, but I agree that this law is silly.
  8. I'm not interested in purchasing the game, I'm just saying that the graphical differences are negligible based on your post.
  9. And again, none of them look particularly different because they downgraded the pc version.
  10. It does, but there still doesn't seem to be much of a difference watching the video.
  11. These graphics aren't exactly pushing the pc's limits. It would look much better if it didn't have to be scaled down for consoles.
  12. Hey now! Game of Thrones doesn't have nudity in that many episodes...
  13. I have never seen a fictional story get time travel right, including chrono games. Some tell better stories than others though.
  14. Obviously, but my point was that the price isn't unreasonable. Of course those who play the pc versions can usually get them cheaper.
  15. I wouldn't call that a rip off, and it's cheaper than I see the physical copies go for oftentimes.
  16. Kotor 1 and 2 are worth checking out. They were always my favorite EU content.
  17. Disney already said that they threw out all of the EU. Only the movies are canon now. (And anything done under disney's supervision)
  18. If you're not willing to pay to play them, and you're not willing to play them on pc, then that's on you.
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