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Christal Wolf

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Everything posted by Christal Wolf

  1. Honestly I prefer the HD remakes to be made first at all costs since it's to refresh players memory of the story, alot of people think the other games are side games which they are not. I prefer KH3 to be delayed the more time they spend on it the better I do NOT want a rushed game where they leave out a lot of content because we are so impatient.
  2. The Days characters got new models which I am so glad for, Saïx looks fantastic.
  3. I'd rather not judging from many games I play that had other companys make their games, it's a horrible idea. Many series I loved got ruined by that concept and are shunned in my eyes.
  4. 1. It let's new people be able to play the old games and learn the story of the game. 2. People can finally stop saying "It's on different consoles and isn't worth it/" Which I found it was but everyone's different. 3. I'll be able to play the Final Mix's, I could have before but playing on console is more satisfying to me then on an emulator. 4. Playing in HD is amazing especially for those who have crushes on the characters >. 5 The fact I get to play the same great stories again with proof of my hard work (Trophies).
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