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About Liikemike

  • Birthday 11/22/1991

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    Bold as a Lion, Gentle as the Lamb!
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  1. between $40 and $60, bought the Infamous bundle with blue controller for $60 so Im hoping the game is between that range
  2. Deng you guys confuse me sometimes haha, but im gonna wait for 1.5 to come to the states, Im still gonna buy kh2
  3. I was actually thinking of doing that in the first place but to be honest I think KH1 is the only one Im gonna wanna play all over again, COM for some reason I feel like Im just gonna wanna play it once. Also are all the DS KH games play a valuable role in the main storyline? Cause Im thinking of just watching the cutscenes for the ds games, DDD will be the only one im actually gonna wanna play btw Heres what I'm gonna do: * Currently playing KH1 * Gonna play KH2 next * Waiting for 1.5 to play FM1 & COM What are the suggestions as to what I should do next so I can understand the storyline better? Or if you guys have a better idea on what I should do after KH1 to get the best storyline
  4. Actually I do wanna get 1.5 and planning on playing KH1 on 1.5 again , I think Im gonna wait it out then, gonna beat KH1, then play Ni No Kuni and then play KH2 and hopefully by that time 1.5 would be a few days or weeks away
  5. Hmmm sounds like a plan, So then I'll do this: Beat KH1 and buy KH2 and wait out for the HD Remix
  6. Yeah but the thing is i don't wanna wait that long and then again I do wanna wait just because I wanna see the HD Graphics
  7. Should I wait for the HD Remix US version to come out or should I go ahead and buy COM and KH2? Im currently playing KH1 and from the chronology order I believe COM comes next then 358/2 days and then KH2. So i would like some suggestions please
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