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Everything posted by MythrilMagician

  1. What kind of a rule is that?At least you can re-sit the test You can do it Phil owo
  2. What you said is true, but failing you for losing 4 marks is firetrucking bullshit It's a test, you're bound to stuff up from the pressure no matter how prepared you are One thing I've learnt is that no matter how much you study, you're never fully prepared I've been good myself thanks owo
  3. So if you lose 5 or more marks you fail?That's bloody rigged and really stupid. It's not like it's a driving test so that they can pull that shit off
  4. Moogles in KH3 should make a FFXV reference and say "I'VE COME UP WITH A NEW RECIPE!"

    1. WayfindersDestiny


      I NEED this, and the Moogle needs to have a costume piece that makes it look like Iggy.

    2. KingdomHearts3
    3. EchoFox23*
  5. Bodybuilders hate him!Find out how he got ripped in just 2 weeks!
  6. Even if they did release it and you didn't get it, we are not the people you should be contacting. You should contact Square Enix Support directly, because we don't have the power to help you in situations like that.
  7. "It will be released in 2018 even if it is not finished" Firetruck no. This is my favourite series of all time, it had better be finished at release. As for the Final Mix stuff, it should be DLC. Much easier and cheaper to distribute. Assuming there is a Final Mix.
  8. Yeah, that is pretty cool That clickbait though
  9. Doing many of those things during the Winter Cause Straya #JustSouthernHemisphereThings
  10. WelpI managed to get one through preorder But there was definitely only one version
  11. Or he got confused with the non-KH Mickeys.
  12. Well, there isn't even any pictures online. The only other KH one could be him in his Org 13 outfit which doesn't exist yetIf anything, they'd probably make one in his BBS outfit, but he'd have Starseekeer in that one Other than that, it's not possible for there to be more than one Mickey.
  13. Really? Cause everywhere I look, there is only one. Are you sure you're not getting confused with the non-KH Mickeys?
  14. Ya sure? Cause KH Mickey's the one in the middle
  15. Just googled it, the other Mickeys aren't KH themedSo screw those They don't count
  16. Wait, there's another Mickey?And that's Black and White Pete owo
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