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Everything posted by MythrilMagician

  1. supercalifragilisticexpialidociousTotally didn't Google that owo
  2. Yeah and too bad that AnimeLab won't have itHeck, they don't even have the first five arcs :< And Go is really sweet owo
  3. Yeah, and you got companies bitching about piracyWell, of course consumers are going to pirate if you don't make your product available in that region.
  4. Obviously not available for Straya though It's hard for us to support official releases of these things
  5. But butOverwatch isn't anime I'm hip too owo
  6. I haven't watched Bonnie and Clyde either Shame on me
  7. W00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000T
  8. I think Mobile Chrome hates meIt's showing me a broken image
  9. Yeah, we should be reporting, but we don't Our stupid mistake Especially mine Sorry about that owo I'll remember to report from now on Yaaaaaaaay congrats owo
  10. Excited for Crash, but considering the team behind it, I'm gonna wait it out for a bit. They don't have a great reputation . That and I got Ultra Despair Girls coming out on the same day here in Australia, so I may be distracted by that.
  11. Coffee is amazing It's a must in my life But so is covfefe
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