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Everything posted by MythrilMagician

  1. Nomura supposedly loves Star WarsYou can kind of see that too
  2. YupThat stuff can be patched in But Nintendo are clearly money whores They did rerelease it after all
  3. How much extra content wouldn't be much of an excuse either really
  4. Lol, Johnny Depp didn't play Jack SparrowJames Arnold Taylor did Heck, a lot of characters didn't get their original actors/voice actors The likes of Will Turner, Barbossa and even Genie are no exception
  5. They hate any of their franchises having a fan-made game Actually, they would have taken it down even without the game being in development
  6. It's not supposed to be fairWe're too OP owo
  7. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales was good.

    1. KingdomHearts3


      I liked it. I don't know what the critics saw. I think they stopped liking the series a while ago and so now trash it whenever a new film comes out even if it's good.

  8. Yush we be winning Cause they can't stop twin power
  9. Lol friggin Nintendo, milking their customers Also, I found these at EB Games owo
  10. Pretty sure one of the games had her as a playable SOTC is Shadow of the Colossus Don't know what the others are
  11. *Inserts German words to form a German sentence for the sake of this German page of this German site. In German*
  12. Hopefully it's more than that At least it won't be the Square bullshit of announcing a game 5 years before it's ready to be announced That's quite interestingI never got to play the original, so I'm interested in this
  13. Nintendo conference tomorrow Wonder what they'll show for themselves
  14. Sony smashed E3. Figured Square didn't have anything to show for themselves.

    1. Zerrick


      Compared to the last two years, not really, pretty bland with games we already knew about and mostly multiplats

  15. Just Square ThingsKnew that they didn't have anything
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