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You can Dance

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Everything posted by You can Dance

  1. I really hope KH3 won't be on the PS4 -_-

    1. allen95


      me too....

    2. bit


      I just hope we don't expect something amazing and it end up sucking

    3. Hei


      @Bit Oh man, that would just be terrible xD

  2. I sure hope so!! But it'd probably be a catch to it like: Only for Japan/For a limited time/pre-order only. Or they might just wait to KH3 to start introducing new materials...whenever that may be lol
  3. Most Def!! But it'd have to be well put together and thought out. You just don't "make" a KH series lol
  4. Lol it wouldnt be the stud it is today without one
  5. So here 7-elevens are gas stations that are going out of buisness, but there they are stores who sell video games and are able to distribute pre-order DLC?? only in Japan -_-
  6. I can already tell this is going to be amazing! and to think its only the beginning!! ... only thing im worried about is the price with such great content...comes such great cost.
  7. I'm loving this HD remix even more that it has an actually movie in it. Lol i guess this is the coolest we'll get to a KH movie
  8. Wow seriously!? but it's such an amazing show. I really can't believe people don't watch it . I hope they dont cancel it, it has some major potiential
  9. Yea what everyone else said to bad they had to get rid of xion in the process though, i swear that was one of thee saddest moments in KH. I hope they bring her back though....somehow in the future. ^_^Also i wonder how namine actually uses her powers....or does she do that by just drawing pictures all day :huh:
  10. Lol thanks everyone for the welcomes!! this site is awesome and i love it already! haha and thanks for the tea you guys are awesome ^_^
  11. Hahah wow thank you guys so much, you really know how to make a KH fan feel welcome!! Thanks! :lol:
  12. I wonder how much the new HD remix will cost ps3 US users?

  13. Hi to who's ever reading this, my name is manny and as you can see im new to this site, but not to the series. I love Kingdom Hearts (obviously) and can't wait to play the HD remixes and hopefully we'll all be playing KH3 soon...very soon. Well thats it, feel free to friend request me, thanks! P.S: Although i've only played Kh2, BBS, and 365/2 days i know alot about the story (due to watching countless walkthroughs lol) and i look forward to hearing what others have to say about the series ... and mickey mouse and axel are the best
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